In addition to promoting environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and conservation within the City’s internal operations, the Environment, Climate and Forestry Division develops and implements environmental, climate and energy policies, projects and programs that promote sustainable development and the growth of the green economy; provides research and policy expertise; establishes and leverages partnerships with internal and external stakeholders; delivers tools and resources to engage Toronto residents and businesses in adopting sustainable lifestyles and business practices; and ensures the City can maintain its global leadership position in environmental stewardship.
Environment, Climate and Forestry Division handles complaints related to:
Complaints may be made in writing (by email or mail). Submitted complaints are reviewed promptly and we make every effort to resolve them as quickly as possible. Any correspondence and/or complaint that contains profanity, rude or inappropriate language will not receive a response.
Environment, Climate & Forestry Division
Union Station
East Wing, 2nd Floor
c/o Metro Hall mailroom
55 John St.
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Attention: Environment, Climate & Forestry Feedback
After completing the City of Toronto’s complaints process, if you feel you have been treated unfairly or received unfair service, you can contact Ombudsman Toronto.
Comments are opinions or suggestions about a City of Toronto service, program or staff member.
Environment, Climate & Forestry Division
Union Station
East Wing, 2nd Floor
c/o Metro Hall mailroom
55 John St.
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Attention: Environment, Climate & Forestry Feedback
Unless otherwise requested, comments will not be responded to but will be forwarded to relevant staff and shared with the appropriate management staff.
Compliments are praise or expressions of approval for a City of Toronto service, program or staff member.
Environment, Climate & Forestry Division
Union Station
East Wing, 2nd Floor
c/o Metro Hall mailroom
55 John St.
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Attention: Environment, Climate & Forestry Feedback
Unless otherwise requested, compliments will not be responded to but will be forwarded to relevant staff and shared with the appropriate management staff.