The Prosecutions Section is committed to providing prosecutorial services that are professional, equitable, and accessible. In an effort to continually improve our services and performance, we invite individuals to advise us when they have concerns about their interactions with Prosecution Staff.

If you wish to make a complaint about your experience with the City of Toronto Prosecutions Section, there are two options available to you. The first option is an informal discussion with a Manager from the Prosecutions Section, during which you will have the opportunity to convey your concerns. The second option available to you is to make a formal complaint. This process requires you to provide detailed information about your concerns, and will take longer to complete than the informal process.

How to make a complaint

All complaints must be submitted directly to a Manager or Supervisor from the Prosecutions Section. A complaint may be submitted verbally in the following ways:

  • By phone, by calling the Manager or Supervisor of Prosecutions at the applicable location, or
  • In person at the following locations:
    • Manager of Prosecutions, City Prosecutors’ Office, Room 12E, Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street W., Toronto
    • Manager of Prosecutions, City Prosecutors’ Office, 2700 Eglinton Avenue W., Toronto
    • Manager of Prosecutions, City Prosecutors’ Office, 1530 Markham Rd., Toronto
    • Manager of Prosecutions, APS Office, Main Floor, 5100 Yonge Street, North York Civic Centre, Toronto
    • Supervisor of Prosecutions, APS Office, 3rd Floor, 55 John Street, Metro Hall, Toronto

A complaint may also be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope marked confidential, addressed to the Manager or Supervisor of Prosecutions, City Prosecutors’ Office. A written submission can either be mailed or delivered in person to one of the five City Prosecutors’ Office locations above.

What to include in the complaint

  • Your contact information (please be advised that we do not accept or investigate anonymous complaints)
  • Type of complaint (staff conduct, procedure, process, or timeliness of service)
  • A summary of the complaint (date, time, court location, staff involved, concerns, copies of any material relevant to the complaint), and
  • Desired outcome

Next steps

  • We will contact you to acknowledge receipt of your complaint following receipt of your complaint.
  • We will investigate your complaint. This normally involves following up with appropriate staff, and reviewing the applicable policies, guidelines and legislation.
  • We will respond to your complaint within 30 business days of sending you an acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint.
  • If adjustments to the timelines are required, we will advise you of our estimated time to respond, and the reasons for the extension.
  • If you are making a verbal complaint, you may be asked to put your complaint in writing, especially if it involves a serious or complex matter.

Second review of complaint, if required

If you are not satisfied with the Manager’s or Supervisor’s decision in the complaint process, or if your complaint relates to a Manager, you can request a review by the Director of Prosecutions.

The request for review must be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope marked confidential, addressed to the Director of Prosecutions, City Prosecutors’ Office, Room 12E, Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street W., Toronto. The envelope can either be mailed or delivered in person to one of the five City Prosecutors’ Office locations.

If your request is for a review of a Manager’s or Supervisor’s decision, the request must indicate the reason you are asking for the review, and contain any information or documents relevant to the complaint. The request must be made within 30 days of receipt of the Manager’s or Supervisor’s decision.

The Director will review your request/complaint and respond.

Complaints about the result of a prosecution

If you are unhappy about the decision made by the Justice of the Peace in your case and you wish to appeal that decision, please see Filing An Appeal.

Complaints about other individuals involved in the judicial process

  • Justice of the Peace: For information on how to make a complaint about a Justice of the Peace, please contact the Justices of the Peace Review Council by phone at 416-327-5672, toll-free at 1-800-806-5186
  • Court Services staff: See the Court Services complaint process
  • Toronto Police Service: For information on how to make a complaint about a Toronto Police Officer, please visit the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency‘s website.
  • Ontario Provincial Police: For information on how to make a complaint about an Ontario Provincial Police Officer, please visit the OPP website.
  • Lawyers or paralegals: For information on how to make a complaint about a lawyer or paralegal, please contact the Law Society of Ontario by phone at 416-947-3300, toll-free at 1-800-668-7380
  • Bylaw Enforcement staff: Please contact 311

Reporting damage and bylaw violations

Please contact 311 for information on how to report the following items:

  • damaged, faded or missing traffic or street name sign
  • potholes or damaged sidewalk/road
  • bylaw violations