How to Submit Your Feedback

If you have a complaint or wish to provide a compliment, please provide detailed information about your concern, including your contact information. Please use any of the following methods:

  • Email:, Subject: Complaint Handling
  • Phone:
    • Contact your local Parks & Recreation facility or staff member
    • Call the main Parks & Recreation Complaints Line: 416-396-7378
  • Fax: 416-392-8565, Attention: Parks & Recreation’s General Manager’s Office
  • Mail:
    The General Manager’s Office, Attention: Complaint Handling, Parks & Recreation
    Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street W,
    West Tower, 4th Floor,
    Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
  • In-person by visiting staff at any Parks & Recreation facility


    1. We will assess and acknowledge your concerns within one business day of us receiving the complaint, and provide you with the expected time frame for resolution.
    2. Staff will work with you to address and resolve your concerns. Additionally, should further investigation be required, the appropriate staff will be assigned, and they will contact you and provide you with their contact information. An investigation may involve the appropriate City staff, review of documentation, applicable policies, guidelines and bylaws.
    3. Parks & Recreation strives to resolve all complaints within 14 days of receipt.
    4. If adjustments to the timelines provided to you are required, we will update you and explain why.
    5. If you are making a verbal complaint, you may be asked that your complaint be put in writing, especially if it involves a serious or complex matter.

    Our Commitment

    Parks & Recreation staff is committed to serving the residents of Toronto with professionalism and integrity. Feedback is an important step in our endeavour to continually improve our service delivery to residents in a fiscally responsible manner.

    We are committed to providing high-quality and fiscally responsible parks and recreation services to the residents of Toronto. In an effort to continually improve our services and performance, we invite members of the public to advise us when something goes wrong. This will help us to improve our standards and ensure effective delivery of services to residents. All Parks & Recreation staff members are expected to respond to complaints in the time frames specified in these procedures.

    Guiding Principles

    The following principles will guide staff in managing complaints:

    • Complaints will be dealt with promptly and resolved as quickly as possible (within the divisional target of 14 days from receipt of the complaint)
    • Complaints will be treated confidentially and steps will be taken to help protect a complainant’s privacy
    • Complaint investigations will be fair, impartial and respectful to parties involved
    • Complainants will be advised of their options to escalate their complaint if they are dissatisfied with treatment or outcome
    • Complainants will be provided clear and understandable reasons for how decisions on the complaint were made
    • Where appropriate, complainants will be advised that staff are required to follow established policies and procedures, collective bargaining agreements and council directives
    • Updates will be provided to complainants throughout the complaint process