From November 2016 to May 2017 the City consulted residents on the City’s Long-Term Financial Plan, including how the City can manage expenses, raise revenue, make the most of its assets, and make decisions that have financial impacts.
Final Report:
Investing in Toronto’s Future: Public Consultation on the City’s Long-Term Financial Plan
About the Consultation:
The consultation took place in two phases. Phase 1, in the fall of 2016, focused on how the City manages expenses, raises revenue, and maximizes assets. Phase 2, in the spring of 2017, built on the input received in Phase 1 and incorporated new topics related to the City’s systems of governance, decision-making and financial management.
Phase 1 – Expenditures, Revenues, and Assets (Completed Fall 2016)
- November Survey
- From November 9 to 20, 2017, an online survey was used to gather public input on what the City should consider as it makes decisions about long-term financial sustainability. Residents were encouraged to share their thoughts on the City’s current financial health and the guiding principles behind the City’s long-term financial decisions.
- November Survey Results
- December meetings and survey
- On December 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2017, in-person public meetings were held in Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough and downtown Toronto. All meetings were webcast and residents could participate online. Following an open house and presentation, participants discussed and shared input with fellow residents, table facilitators, and subject matter experts from the City of Toronto. Discussions were focused on long-term financial options and strategies related to expenditure, revenue and assets.
- From December 5 to 23, 2017, an online survey was used to gather public input from residents on long-term financial options and strategies related to expenditure, revenue and assets. Residents were encouraged to provide input and advice on the long-term financial planning needed to ensure the City of Toronto runs well, spends public money wisely and delivers the programs and services residents need and want over the long term.
- December Meeting and Survey Results
- City Manager’s Presentation (webcast recording)
- Materials
- The following materials were used to support this phase of the consultation.
Phase 2 – Governance (Completed Spring 2017)
- April meeting
- On April 22, 2017, interactive workshops, debates, presentations and idea generation was held at City Hall. Consultation sessions were webcast and residents could participate online. Following an open house and presentation by the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, participants spent the afternoon discussing and sharing input and advice on the long-term financial plan with other residents, community organizations and subject matter experts from the City of Toronto.
- Webcast recordings
- Photos
- (Note: Meeting results are included in the final report on the consultation)
- April survey
- From April 22 to May 14, 2017, an online survey was used to gather public input on long-term financial planning tools and governance, decision-making and implementation processes, and how to balance the City’s priorities with its financial books.
- (Note: Survey results are included in the final report on the consultation)
- Materials
- The following materials were used to support the consultation.
Open Data
All data from the consultation surveys and meetings are available on the City’s Open Data portal at