Election reports from the City Clerk, election-related reports from our partners and reports to City Council or one of its Committees from 2006 to present.


General Election Reports

Reports to City Council or Committee

February 8

Compliance Audit Report for the City of Toronto Re: Faith Goldy

May 5

Report to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee on 2022 Election Accessibility Plan – visit the Election Accessibility Plan page for more information.

June 13

Report to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee Follow Up on 2022 Election Accessibility Plan

June 15

Appointment of Public Members to the Compliance Audit Committee

General Election Reports

Reports to City Council or Committee

January 31

Updated Use of City Resources during an Election Period Policy

May 22

August 20

September 13

Update Report on challenge to Bill 5, the Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Note: Report prepared by City Solicitor)