Summary Comparison between LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Building Design and Construction v4 Rating System and the Toronto Green Standard Version 3 requirements, policies and practices.

The Toronto Green Standard Version 3 for Mid to High-Rise Residential applies to residential apartment buildings 4 storeys and higher, as well as all Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) developments. Tier 1 performance measures are required for all planning applications. Tier 2 to 4 performance measures are voluntary and consist of Core and Optional measures associated with the Toronto Green Standard Development Charge Refund Program.

Air Quality

Performance measures to improve local air quality.

Energy Efficiency, GHG & Resilience

Performance measures that reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and enhance building resilience to extreme weather.

Water Balance, Quality & Efficiency

Performance measures to improve water quality and aquatic ecosystem health and reduce the demand for potable water.


Performance measures enhance the urban forest to minimize the impact of new development on ecological systems.

Solid Waste

Performance measures to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and to encourage more sustainable building materials.

Checklist & Templates

Fill out these forms to show how the design of the site/building meets the Toronto Green Standard.