Residential: Provide a waste sorting system for garbage, recycling and organics using one of the following: 1,2,3,6
a) a single chute with a tri-sorter
b) two separate chutes with one of the chutes equipped with a dual sorter
c) three separate chutes for garbage, recycling, and organics collection on all floors
d) a central waste collection and waste diversion facility on the ground floor for garbage, recycling, and organics
Residential: Provide an easily accessible waste storage room with a minimum floor space of 25 m² for the first 50 units plus an additional 13 m² for each additional 50 units to accommodate containers and the compactor unit.1,2
Non-Residential: Provide waste storage space to accommodate garbage and materials diversion.
Residential: Provide a minimum of 10m² for bulky items and items eligible for special collection services.4
Residential Uses: Developments with 31 units or above must ensure that all garbage is compacted by means of a compactor unit. The waste storage room must provide sufficient space to accommodate the compactor unit, to accommodate containers and the compactor unit.
Residential: Provide a cabinet space in all kitchen suites for the segregated collection of:
Residential: Provide a dedicated collection area or room for the collection of household hazardous waste and/or electronic waste. 5
Reuse or salvage building materials from off-site or on-site equal to 50 per cent of the surface area of the existing building.1
Manage construction and demolition waste in accordance with O. Reg. 103/94: Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Source Separation Programs.1
Divert at least 75 per cent of the total construction and demolition material; diverted material must include at least four material streams.2,3,4,5
Divert at least 95 per cent of the total construction and demolition material; diverted materials must include at least four material streams.2,3,4,5
Ensure that at least 25 per cent, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products in the project, meet at least one of the leadership extraction practices for materials reuse or recycled content.1