In December of 2013 City Council adopted an amendment to the City of Toronto Official Plan which directed City staff to undertake a study of the Dupont Street corridor for lands in Wards 19 and 20. The study looked at the following: appropriate land uses, potential streetscape improvements, urban design and built form guidelines, transportation options, the function and design of Dupont Street, the impact of the rail corridor on potential development options and the possibility of utilizing a development permit system.
City Council adopted the staff recommendations at its meeting on August 25, 2014 through item PG35.6 – Dupont Street Regeneration Area Study – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment – Final Report. The implementing Zoning By-law 1011-2014 and Site and Area Specific Policy (OPA 271) were subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In June of 2015, the OMB issued a decision to consolidate the appeals for OPA 271, Zoning By-law 1011-2014, and appeals for several site-specific development applications within the study area into one proceeding.
A tentative settlement was reached though mediation and City Council voted to endorse this settlement in March 2016. A settlement hearing was completed in May of 2016 at the Ontario Municipal Board.
The OMB issued a decision on January 20, 2017 approving OPA 271 and Zoning By-law 1011-2014. On February 1, 2017, the OMB issued a decision approving the site-specific Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment applications for the sites at 275 Albany Avenue & 420 Dupont Street, 500 Dupont Street, 740 Dupont Street, and 840-860 Dupont Street. These OMB decisions can be viewed below:
Our crowdmap allows you to provide comments within an interactive, map-based, online program. You can comment on specific issues or offer general feedback and view the comments made by others.
On May 4 2017, the local Ward Councillors for Ward 19 and 20 held an open house for residents to view development proposals in the Dupont Street study area and provide feedback on site plan applications. City Planning staff also gave a presentation providing background on the study and OMB approvals. The presentation material from the open house, including the information panels for the 275 Albany & 420 Dupont Street, 500 Dupont Street, 740 Dupont Street and 840 Dupont Street site plan applications, can be accessed below.
On February 10, 2014 about 150 community members, land owners and interested individuals came to Ecole Sacre Coeur to the launch of the Dupont Street Study. After a presentation by City Planning staff (see link below) the floor was opened to questions, after which the interactive portion of the evening began. Attendees were asked for input on 4 topic areas that will be covered by the study including: transportation, land use and height, retail and employment and public realm/streetscape. Maps and aerial photos of the study area for each of the topics were laid out on tables and everyone was encouraged to mark up the maps with comments, post-it notes, stickers and questions (see link to photos below). In addition to the 4 topic areas one map was used to gather input on strengths and weaknesses of this stretch of Dupont, and another recorded items and areas of interest that were not captured in the other maps. All the information gathered on the maps will be recorded and summarized, and will provide the study team with invaluable information that can form the basis of further study.
About 140 people attended our second community consultation meeting for the Dupont Street Study. City Planning staff provided an update on a number of items and then provided information on open space, streetscape and transportation, as well as options for built form. Updates included a Community Facilities and Needs Assessment that is ongoing for the study area, a meeting on rail safety and mitigation that has been arranged as well as the schedule and process moving forward. Both the presentation and the Information Boards that were presented at the meeting can be accessed through the links below.
The City has hired a rail consultant to review the safety and mitigation measures that should be implemented as part of any redevelopment in the Dupont Street Study Area. This meeting provided an opportunity for the consultant to present the findings and recommendations and to answer questions.