Official Plan Amendment 419 with Site and Area Specific Policy 551 was adopted by City Council through By-Law 1230-2018 on July 27, 2018 (view Notice of Adoption).


The City of Toronto completed an area based character study of the apartment neighbourhood located north of High Park. The Area Character Study resulted in Official Plan Amendment 419 with Site and Area Specific Policy 551 (By-law 1230-2018) and the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Urban Design Guidelines.

Through extensive community consultation and technical review the Study evaluated existing physical characteristics of the apartment neighbourhood and identified appropriate principles, policies and guidelines to guide future change and compatible infill development in the area.

The Study Area covered lands designated Apartment Neighbourhoods in the Official Plan located generally north of High Park and Bloor Street West, west of Keele Street, east of Gothic Avenue and south of Glenlake Avenue.

Properties located along Bloor Street West, south of the Bloor Danforth Subway corridor, are excluded from the Study Area, since these lands were evaluated as part of the Bloor West Village Avenue Study.

Map showing boundary of High Park Apartment Neighbourhood study area which includes streets and properties generally north of the Bloor Danforth Subway corridor, west of Keele Street, east of Gothic Avenue and south of Glenlake Avenue.
High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Character Study Boundary

The High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Character Study consisted of three phases, which are now complete.

View Meetings & Events for a summary of consultation meetings and materials presented over the course of the Study.

Phase 1:
Existing Conditions Assessment

October 2017 – March 2018

Phase 2:
Developing Policy & Guidelines

March 2018 – May 2018

Phase 3:

May 2018 – July 2018

Official Plan Policy permits City Council to determine whether an area based study is required where significant intensification of land adjacent to a Neighbourhood or Apartment Neighbourhood is proposed.

As a result of the proposed level of intensification in recent development applications in the Apartment Neighbourhood north of High Park, City staff recommended to City Council that an area based character study be undertaken.

City council adopted the staff recommendation in the preliminary staff reports for 35 High Park Avenue and 111 Pacific Avenue to conduct the area based study.