Official Plan Amendment 419 with Site and Area Specific Policy 551 was adopted by City Council through By-Law 1230-2018 on July 27, 2018 (view Notice of Adoption).


Summaries from past High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Study meetings and events are listed below.

Official Plan Amendment 419 with Site and Area Specific Policy 551 was adopted by City Council through By-Law 1230-2018 on July 27, 2018 (view Notice of Adoption).

The final Urban Design Guidelines were adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on July 4, 2018 (EY32.4) and by City Council at the July 23, 24 & 25, 2018 Meeting.

At the June 6, 2018 Statutory Public Meeting (EY31.4)  held under the Planning Act, RSO 1990, Etobicoke York Community Council adopted the recommendations of the Final Staff Report, which includes in Attachment 3, draft Official Plan Amendment No. 419 & Site and Area Specific Policy No. 551. City Council amended and adopted item EY31.4 at the June 26, 27 & 28, 2018 meeting.

View City Staff Presentation.

The purpose of the sixth Working Group Meeting was to continue discussion and development of the draft Site and Area Specific Policy and Urban Design Guidelines. A draft Official Plan Amendment and Site and Area Specific Policy was presented and discussed.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

The purpose of the fifth Working Group Meeting was to continue discussion and development of the draft Site and Area Specific Policy and Urban Design Guidelines. The scope of the Natural Heritage Impact Study and Biodiverse Landscape Manual being carried out by Dougan & Associates on behalf of the City for the Study Area was also presented and discussed.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

The purpose of the 2nd Review was to present the draft findings of the character analysis to the Panel and receive comments on the draft guiding principles and draft infill development criteria which will form the basis of the Site and Area-Specific Policy and supporting Area-Specific Urban Design Guidelines. The Panel was also requested to advise about which aspects or metrics they consider most important to the area character and should be contained within policy.

View Presentation, to request a copy of the Meeting Minutes, please contact

At the fourth Working Group Meeting, City staff presented a brief summary of the Community Consultation Meeting and led a step-by-step overview of draft metrics for area-specific infill development criteria. A workbook and series of diagrams were provided. Numerical values relating to open space and proposed infill building heights, setbacks, floor plate dimensions, separation distances, etc. were workshopped with participants.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

A Status Report (EY29.3) for the Study was adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on April 4, 2018 in the Council Chamber at Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall.

The purpose of the second Community Consultation Meeting was to present emerging findings from the assessment of character defining elements, seek feedback on draft guiding principles and workshop community priorities to guide change and compatible infill development.

View Presentation Display PanelsDraft Guiding Principles, Presentation and Meeting Summary.

The purpose of the third Working Group Meeting was to continue the discussions from Meeting #2, present draft Guiding Principles and further refine the identification of important character defining attributes within the Study Area. City staff presented an overview of community services and facilities, an area population profile, draft density analysis, and additional draft findings from the ongoing character analysis. The staff presentation was followed by a workshop session exploring important building and open space relationships, possible infill opportunities, and other noteworthy aspects of the Study Area related to a 3D model view.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

The purpose of the 1st Review at the Design Review Panel was to introduce the Study to the Panel and receive comments on the study direction and draft character defining elements.

View Presentation, to request a copy of the Meeting Minutes, please contact

At the second Working Group Meeting, City staff provided a summary of community responses from the Social Pinpoint tool, an overview of existing Study Area conditions, including local natural heritage, hydrogeology and built and cultural heritage matters, an update to the draft Character Defining Elements and draft findings from the preliminary character analysis. The staff presentation was followed by a workshop session exploring important environmental and open space characteristics, routes, views, and other noteworthy aspects of the Study Area related to the 2D plan view.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

At the first Working Group Meeting City staff provided an overview of the study process, outlined potential character defining elements and presented draft topic questions for the Social Pinpoint engagement tool. The presentation was followed by a group discussion and walking tour of the study area.

View Presentation and Meeting Summary.

The purpose of the first Community Consultation Meeting was to introduce the Study, seek feedback on preliminary study questions and distribute volunteer application forms to establish a Study Working Group.

View Key Questions, Presentation and Meeting Summary.