Study information, reports and publications are listed below as they become available over the course of the study.
Official Plan Amendment 419 with Site and Area Specific Policy 551 was adopted by City Council through By-Law 1230-2018 on July 27, 2018 (view Notice of Adoption).
Etobicoke York Community Council adopted the draft Official Plan Amendment No. 419 & Site and Area Specific Policy No. 551 for the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood at the June 6, 2018 Statutory Public meeting (EY31.4) held under the Planning Act, RSO 1990. City Council amended and adopted item EY31.4 at the June 26, 27 & 28, 2018 meeting.
The final Urban Design Guidelines were adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on July 4, 2018 (EY32.4) and will be considered by City Council at the July 23, 24 & 25, 2018 Meeting.
The final High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Character Study publication presents the findings and outcomes resulting from the Study process carried out from October 2017 to May 2018. The study is also informed by the Natural Heritage Impact Study (NHIS) Addendum (May 2018) prepared by Dougan & Associates for the study area.
The High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Character Study supports the area specific policy and guidelines developed for the study area.
The High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Study builds upon the findings for natural heritage and water from the Bloor West Village Avenue Study Final Consultant Report (May 2018).
The Study is also informed by a Natural Heritage Impact Study (NHIS) for the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood (May 2018), which was prepared as an addendum to the NHIS for the Bloor West Village Avenue Study (March 2018).
A Status Report (EY29.3) for the Study was adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on April 4, 2018 in the Council Chamber at Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall.
On April 26-28, 2017, City Council directed staff to undertake an area based character study of the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood and report back by the 2nd Quarter 2018.
View the preliminary staff reports for 35 High Park Avenue and 111 Pacific Avenue which include council-adopted recommendations to conduct the area based character study.
Current development applications within the study area are linked below. For specific project inquiries, contact the assigned Community Planner listed for the application.
You can search for development applications within the surrounding area and across the city in the Application Information Centre.