Materials from public consultation events are provided in the tabs below.

The Public Information Session includes the Official Plan Amendments, and a presentation, which will be posted after the meeting.

Official Plan Amendment No. 482 (Protected Major Transit Station Areas)

Official Plan Amendment No. 483 (Keele Finch Secondary Plan)


A survey was open from the meeting date until November 16, 2020.


  • Newspaper Ad – North York Mirror, Thursday October 22, 2020
  • Newspaper Site Web Banner – Downsview Advocate from Monday October 26, 2020 up to and including the event date.
  • Flyer mailed to all addresses between Black Creek Valley, The Pond Road, Grandravine Drive and Keele Street, as well as all addresses within a 1.2 km radius of the Keele and Finch intersection on the east side of Keele Street. The flyer was also mailed to all interested parties who had provided an address.
  • Twitter: posted through the Official City Planning Account (@CityPlanTO) and through the Downsview Advocate’s account (@DownsviewA).
  • Facebook: posted through the Downsview Advocate.
  • Email: the event was promoted through the listserv. There were approximately 400 subscribers to the list. The Downsview Advocate also sent an email out to their listserv subscribers.
  • The event was also promoted by encouraging local organizations and partners to spread the word.

Proprosed Draft OPA: Keele Finch Secondary Plan

The draft Keele Finch Secondary Plan is now available. It reflects a balance of all research, technical and public input to date. The draft Secondary Plan is an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that will, if approved by City Council, change the City’s Official Plan policies directing how the Keele-Finch area will grow and change in the future.

Proposed Draft OPA: Protected Major Transit Station Areas

A related draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is also proposed regarding Protected Major Transit Station Areas in the Keele-Finch area. This OPA includes additional policies for directing change around the Finch West subway station, and the future Sentinel Road LRT stop. The Province would have final approval of this OPA.

Review the draft Official Plan Amendments and complete the online survey to help further inform the plan. Please submit comments through the online survey no later than February 6, 2020.

Proposed Draft Links

Online Surveys

OPA: Keele Finch Secondary Plan

Provide your comments on the proposed draft.
Take the Survey

OPA: Protected Major Transit Station Areas

Provide your comments on the proposed draft.

The the Survey

Open house and public consultation materials are posted below.

  1. Discussion Guide
  2. Presentation
  3. Display Boards
    1. Welcome Board
    2. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Boards
    3. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Consultation Summary
    4. Phase 3 Boards – Part 1
    5. Phase 3 Boards – Part 2
  4. Policy Direction Highlights Booklets
    1. Vision and Objectives
    2. Area Structure and Transit Station Areas
    3. Land Use
    4. Public Realm
    5. Transportation and Mobility
    6. Buildings and Development Criteria
    7. Building Heights
    8. Building Types and Urban Design Standards
  5. Promotions
    1. Newspaper Ad – North York Mirror June 6, 2019
    2. Newspaper Ad – Downsview Advocate June 2019 release.
    3. Newspaper Site Web Banner – Downsview Advocate from June 6 up to and including the event date.
    4. Flyer mailed to all interested parties who had provided an address.
    5. Twitter: posted through the Official City Planning Account (@CityPlanTO ) and through the Downsview Advocate’s account (@DownsviewA ).
    6. Facebook: posted through the Downsview Advocate.
    7. Email: the event was promoted through the listserv on June 10, 2019, and June 18, 2019. There were over 300 subscribers to the list. The Downsview Advocate also sent an email out to their listserv subscribers.
    8. The event was also promoted by encouraging local organizations and partners to spread the word.

Open house and public consultation materials are posted below.

  1. Discussion Guide
  2. Presentation Slides (file size approximately 11MB)
  3. Display Boards
    1. Introductory boards
    2. Study Context and Work to-date
    3. Community Services and Facilities
    4. March 2017 Summary and Study Next Steps 
    5. Thank you!
    6. Supplement – Info Sheet 1 – Why Study Keele and Finch?
    7. Supplement – Info Sheet 2 – What Guides this Study?
  4. Workshop Materials: Workshop table top materials. Large size (~7MB) images are linked below for each of the options. Each image includes the concept and title for the option, a top-down view, two bird’s eye views, two photos with artist sketches and a legend.
    1. Option 1
    2. Option 2
    3. Option 3
  5. Promotions
    1. Newspaper Ad (image only) – North York Mirror September 20, 2017
    2. Newspaper Ad (image only) – Downsview Advocate September release.
    3. Newspaper Site Web Banner (image only) – Downsview Advocate from September 12 up to and including the event date.
    4. Flyer mailed to all interested parties who had provided an address.
    5. Twitter: posted through the Official City Planning Account (@CityPlanTO) and through the Downsview Advocate’s account (@DownsviewA).
    6. Facebook: posted through the Official City Planning Account and by the Downsview Advocate.
    7. Email: the event was promoted through the listserv on September 14, 2017, and September 27, 2017. There were over 200 subscribers to the list. The Downsview Advocate also sent an email out to their listserv subscribers.
    8. The event was also promoted by encouraging local organizations and partners to spread the word.
Photo of Councillor Perruzza giving opening remarks at the September 28, 2017 public meeting to an audience.
Councillor Perruzza provided opening remarks at the beginning of the workshop. Approximately 100 people attended.

For a summary of the event and to view more event photos, see Event Summaries.

Open house and public consultation materials are posted below.

  1. Discussion Guide
  2. Presentation Slides
  3. Display Boards
    1. Display Panels (about 5mb)
    2. Info Sheet 1 – Why Study Keele and Finch?
    3. Info Sheet 2 – What Guides this Study?
  4. Workshop Materials
    1. Workshop Intent and Exercises
    2. Workshop map
  5. Promotions
    1. Newspaper Ad (image only) – North York Mirror March 2, 2017
    2. Newspaper Site Web Banner (image only) – Downsview Advocate from mid-February up to and including the event date.
    3. Flyer mailed to all interested parties who had provided an address.
    4. Twitter: posted through the Official City Planning Account (@CityPlanTO) and through the Downsview Advocate’s account (@DownsviewA).
    5. Facebook: posted through the Official City Planning Account and by the Downsview Advocate.
    6. Email: the event was promoted through the listserv on February 23, 2017, and March 6, 2017. There are over 150 subscribers to the list. The Downsview Advocate also sent an email out to their listserv subscribers.
    7. The event was also promoted by encouraging local organizations and partners to spread the word.
Councillor Perruzza giving opening remarks to an audience at the March 2017 Keele Finch Plus meeting.
People from across the community came to the event and most attendees participated in the workshop. Councillor Perruzza provided opening remarks.

For a summary of the event and to view more event photos, see Event Summaries.

Open house and public consultation materials are posted below.

  1. Discussion Guide
  2. Presentation Slides
  3. Display Boards
    1. Display Panels (about 6mb)
    2. Info Sheet 1 – Why Study Keele and Finch?
    3. Info Sheet 2 – What Guides this Study?
    4. Info Sheet 3 – Study Building Blocks
  4. Promotions
    1. Newspaper Ad (image only) – Downsview Advocate June 8th
    2. Newspaper Ad (image only) – North York Mirror June 9th
    3. Flyer – In total, 12,597 flyers were mailed to addresses roughly 1km around the Keele and Finch intersection. Approximately 57 per cent of these addresses were rental apartments, 30 per cent houses, and 13  were businesses)
    4. The event was also promoted on Twitter via @CityPlanTO and @TorontoComms, through the email list and by encouraging local organizations and partners to spread the word.
Photo of attendees working at a table at the June 2016 Keele Finch Plus consultation.
People from all over the community came to the event, and almost everyone took part in the activities.

For a summary of the event and to view more event photos, see Event Summaries.

You can sign-up for the e-update list on the main ‘Get Involved‘ page.