This page contains an archive of past Keele Finch Plus News and e-updates.
The City’s website was transitioned to a new web platform during the Study, and this page does not contain all previous e-updates. If you would like a copy of any of the previous e-updates, please contact Matt Armstrong at or by phone at 416-392-3521.
The Interim Report discusses the significant amount of work completed to date, and identifies directions and a preferred concept. The Report also recommends that a Secondary Plan be drafted and that consultation take place on the draft. The Report is under “Staff Reports” under the “Information & Reports” tab.
The Community Services and Facilities Profile is now available. See “December 2017 – Community Services and Facilities Profile” on the “Studies & Reports” tab.
Consultation materials presented at the September 28 consultation are online now. See “Event Materials” under the “Get Involved” tab.
Approximately 100 people attended the Open House and Public Workshop last night. Thank you for your participation! A summary, results and materials will be posted soon. Subscribe to the email list & we will let you know when this is posted.
You are invited to an Open House and Public Workshop at James Cardinal McGuigan School (1440 Finch Avenue West) on September 28. Open House starting at 5 p.m. with workshop and presentation at 6:30 p.m. More details under “Get Involved“.
The York University Heights Neighbourhood Action Partnership (a resident and community group led table organized by our partners in Social Development) met on Wednesday May 17 at Yorkwoods Library. The Keele Finch Plus Study was on the agenda.
As part of Doors Open Toronto, the TTC is offering a preview of two subway stations (York University and Downsview Park). City Planning staff will be at the York University Subway Station between 1:00 and 4:30 p.m. on May 27, 2017. More details under “Get Involved“.
Revised on May 24, 2017.
Ryerson University Planning Students chose to examine Toronto’s ravines, with one group looking at connections to Black Creek related to the Keele Finch Plus Study. Their work is on display at the Urbanspace Gallery at 401 Richmond Street West until May 15.
The materials from the March 7 open house and public workshop are now online. A consultation summary is also available. More details under “Get Involved“.
Over 60 people attended our March 7 open house & workshop. Thank you for your participation! A summary, results and materials will be posted soon. Subscribe to the email list & we will let you know when this is posted.
Join us at the March 7 Open House and Public Workshop at James Cardinal McGuigan School (1440 Finch Avenue West). Workshop and presentation at 6:30 p.m. More details under “Get Involved“.
The Phase 1 Staff report was adopted by Community Council. Full details under “Information and Reports“.
A milestone for the Study has been achieved! Phase 1 work is now available to view, including the Staff Report. Click on the the “Information and Reports” tab.
On Thursday, October 20th, City Staff conducted a walking tour for York University Urban Studies students. Students made good observations and provided comments about walking conditions and connections to campus.
On Tuesday September 13th, City Staff visited Teknion in the DUKE Heights BIA to attend the Mayor’s breakfast on the state of manufacturing.
A summary of the First Open House and Public Consultation is now online. See “Event Summaries” under the “Get Involved” tab.
Consultation materials presented at the first consultation are online now. See “Event Materials” under the “Get Involved” tab.
The first Open House and Public Consultation is tomorrow at James Cardinal McGuigan School (1440 Finch Ave. W.) cafeteria between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. Presentations at 5 p.m. and on the hour to give you a chance to come at time that is convenient for you.
On Thursday June 16th, City Staff visited the Grandravine Community Centre to speak to the Neighbourhood Action Partnership.
Join us on June 21 between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. for the First Open House and Public Consulation at James Cardinal McGuigan School (1440 Finch Ave. W.). Presentation at 5:00 p.m. and repeated on the hour.
The newly named Keele Finch Plus Study launches. How should the area grow with a new subway station, and coming light rail transit (LRT)?
On May 3rd, Grade 9 and grade 11 Geography students at James Cardinal McGuigan Secondary School chose the Study name: Keele Finch Plus.
E-update 17 – June 27, 2018. Toronto City Planning Division
The Staff Report that is being presented to Community Council in July 2018 is now available on the Community Council agenda. The report is based on all work to date, including the work we completed with your input and assistance in 2017 and 2018.
The report recommends that a Secondary Plan be developed for the study area, and to consult with you on a draft of the Secondary Plan. A Secondary Plan establishes local development policies to guide growth and change in a defined area of the city. The draft is recommended to be based on directions (see page 29) and a preferred concept that was developed based on your input on the three options and technical evaluation.
Thank you for helping us achieve this milestone!
E-update 16 – May 30, 2018. Toronto City Planning Division
A Staff Report is being presented to Community Council in July 2018. The report is based on all work to date, including the work we completed with your input and assistance in 2017 and 2018.
The report recommends that a Secondary Plan be developed for the study area, and to consult with you on a draft of the Secondary Plan. The draft is recommended to be based on a preferred concept that was developed based on your input on the three options and technical evaluation.
The report will be available in advance of the public meeting. We will send a link to the report when it’s available.
Based on input from stakeholders, a consultant was procured to conduct a detailed noise and air quality evaluation around the Keele Street and Finch Avenue West intersection. The evaluation will result in a more robust land use direction for key areas that will be reflected in the Secondary Plan for the area.
If it is discovered that there are noise or air quality concerns, it may be necessary to require mitigation measures for future ‘sensitive uses’ (e.g. residences).
E-update 15 – February 27, 2018. Toronto City Planning Division
We last wrote to you on October 17, 2017. Since that time, we have been pouring over the comments and feedback we received at the September 28 public consultation. We’ve also had further discussions with stakeholders, students, business people, land owners and many others about Keele Finch Plus. Input from the consultations, plus input from our further discussions and technical assessment will help lead us to a preferred option.
The Community Services and Facilities Profile was completed in December 2017, and published in January 2018. The goal of the Profile work was to provide a comprehensive inventory of existing community services and facilities serving the Study Area, including current service levels, utilization rates and capital plans. Read more about it on the Study website or download a copy.
The York University and Downsview Neighbourhood Cycling Connections Project is well underway. This project is parallel but separate from Keele Finch Plus. Consultations are taking place this week and you can find more details about them here.
E-update 14 – October 17, 2017. Toronto City Planning Division
It was a busy event with approximately 100 attendees! Thank you all who attended and assisted in the Open House and Public Workshop on September 28th. Attendees were eager and interested in the options presented and provided useful feedback. Most participants stayed involved to the end of the workshop activities.
Participants viewing display boards and discussing the public realm concept plan.
The community came out to this event! University students and retirees attended, as well as renters and homeowners, business people, community organizations, developers, and people of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Participants worked at tables with the assistance of a facilitator. Most were as engaged as this group, leaning right into their work!
A presentation was provided and covered the reasons for the Study, work done to date (including results of the March 2017 public meeting), how feedback is used and an overview of the day’s workshop activities.
A short presentation was given to provide the context for the Study and set the stage for the workshop.
There was a wealth of feedback and useful information gained from the event. Comments, conversations and results of the workshop are valuable inputs for the Study and are summarized in the Consultation Summary.
We went through every comment sheet, every comment made and the results of each completed workshop from the September 28th event. Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge with us! We have summarized results into a Consultation Summary.
This is one example of a completed workshop exercise.
In general, there was great interest at the consultation where participants were clearly eager to learn about the options and to be involved in making their community even better. The focus of comments and conversation was on community building, which made for healthy and useful discussion. Read more by downloading the Consultation Summary.
The Open House and Public Workshop materials are now available online. This includes the display panels, presentation, workshop materials and discussion guide. Review these at your leisure. Whether this is your first time reviewing them or you are reviewing again, please contact us if you have feedback. It would be helpful if you could provide your feedback by Monday, October 23rd.
Know someone who might be interested in this Study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Just use the hashtag #keelefinchplus. From time to time, we will post information from the Official City Planning account @CityPlanTo.