Throughout the Midtown in Focus study, City Planning and its divisional partners have undertaken a comprehensive public engagement and stakeholder consultation process. This included public open houses, meetings with the Midtown Planning Group, online consultation activities, in-community outreach and more.
Below you will find information and summaries from past meetings and events.
Public meetings, open houses and workshops were held during the course of the study to provide updates and share emerging directions with community members and to ask the public to provide feedback on their priorities, emerging directions and the final recommended plan.
In total, there were seven consultation meetings including public meetings, open houses and workshops, from laying the framework for the study in March 2015 to finalizing the Council-approved Secondary Plan in June 2018.
June 21, 2018 – Community Consultation Meeting:
This meeting focused on obtaining public feedback on building heights and increasing employment requirements within portions of Midtown as directed by the Planning and Growth Management Committee.
May 28, 2018 – Public Open House:
The open house included information on the proposed Secondary Plan and related infrastructure initiatives.
Open house materials presented are available.
February 10, 2018 – Open House and Workshops:
The open house included information on the proposed Secondary Plan, details on the ongoing infrastructure assessments and to share findings. Workshops were also held to provide information and to gather public feedback.
The following event materials are available below:
June 3, 2017 – Open House and Workshops:
This open house included information on the work and emerging findings from the Yonge-Eglinton Growth, Built Form and Infrastructure Review. Workshops were also held to focus on specific details for the Yonge-Eglinton Centre, Davisville and Midtown Villages character areas.
The following event materials are available below:
November 19, 2016 – Workshop:
This workshop was held to identify opportunities for public realm improvements in the Davisville area to complement the Midtown in Focus: Parks, Open Space and Streetscape Plan developed for the Yonge-Eglinton area.
The following event materials are available below:
April 2, 2016 – Open House:
The open house included information on the work completed on the Midtown in Focus: Growth, Built Form & Infrastructure Review and to gather public feedback on this.
March 23, 2015 – Public Meeting:
This meeting was held to discuss the proposed changes to the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan (OPA 289) and local planning priorities.
The Midtown Planning Group (MPG) for the Midtown in Focus study consisted of the Councillors for Wards 16, 22, and 25 and representatives from over 30 active stakeholder organizations such as local residents’ associations and business improvement areas. A new MPG has been convened to support work being done on the Midtown Zoning Review.
January 16 and 23, 2018:
Two meetings were held to update MPG members and receive feedback on ongoing work. The meeting on January 16, 2018 focused on infrastructure assessments and the meeting on January 23, 2018 dealt with matters relating to the proposed Secondary Plan and parks plan.
The meeting summary is available.
April 5, 2017:
This meeting focused on reviewing work done for the built form direction in the five Midtown Villages character areas and to link this with the broader emerging directions in the Midtown in Focus study.
February 22, 2017:
This meeting provided updates on the work schedule for Midtown in Focus and the Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment. Attendees also provided feedback for ongoing work on the built form vision and character areas.
May 30, 2016:
This meeting presented on key findings from the Community Services and Facilities (CS&F) Assessment and discussed local CS&F priorities for Midtown. Updates on various projects related to Midtown in Focus were also provided.
March 2, 2016:
The meeting was held to share updates and to present draft work supporting the future built form vision.
November 30, 2015:
The meeting provided an overview of the Yonge-Eglinton Growth, Built Form and Infrastructure Review and initial findings, and discussed specific priorities on character areas, built form and cultural heritage.
March 5, 2015:
The meeting was held to discuss the proposed changes to the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan (OPA 289) and local planning priorities. Staff also presented on the Midtown in Focus Parks, Open Space and Streetscape Plan.
Planners in Public Spaces (PiPS) events bring planners into the community to provide opportunities for the public to engage with City Planners, one-on-one, about issues that matter to them.
City staff hosted a number of PiPS events in and around Midtown over the course of the study.
The Design Review Panel is comprised of private sector design professionals – architects, landscape architects, urban designers and engineers – who provide independent, objective advice to city staff aimed at improving matters of design that affect the public realm.
April 21, 2017:
This meeting was to provide an update on the study and on work related to built form and community infrastructure priorities. Staff asked the Panel for advice and feedback on the emerging built form work and character area visions.
January 14, 2016:
This meeting was held to introduce the study and present results from the initial analysis and consultations. Staff asked the Panel for advice and feedback on particular issues and built form tools to be studied, and the public realm vision.
Throughout the Midtown in Focus study, City staff have met with community organizations as well as landowners and developers in the Yonge-Eglinton area to discuss the project and gather feedback.