Staff reports and supporting material presented to Council are available below.
Additional reports to council can be found below:
This staff report summarizes the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s modifications of Official Plan Amendments 406 (Downtown Plan) as well as OPA 405 (Yonge-Eglinton). It also provides a preliminary assessment of the potential effect of the Decisions and the impact associated with Bill 108 on the Secondary Plans. Attached to the staff report are the In-Force Downtown Plan which incorporates the modifications, as well as a redline version which shows the modifications made.
City Council adopted the Downtown Official Plan Amendment (OPA 406) and the Downtown Parks and Public Realm Plan with amendments. Council adopted the Downtown Mobility Strategy and Downtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy without amendments.
In addition to the materials that were presented to Planning and Growth Management Committee on May 1, 2018 (see below), a supplementary staff report and its attachments are available on the agenda item webpage. These documents summarize staff-recommended additional amendments to the Downtown Plan as a result of further discussions with deputants, and address other topics identified in communications received by the Committee, as appropriate.
Council is videotaped and archived on YouTube. You can now watch the entire May 22, 2018 Council event. The discussion on the Downtown OPA and the Downtown infrastructure strategies begins at the one hour six minute mark of part 3 (scroll down to item PG29.4).
The Downtown Plan Official Plan Amendment (OPA) has been adopted with amendments by the Planning and Growth Management Committee at its May 1, 2018 meeting. The accompanying staff report and attachments are available on the agenda item website. The recommended Official Plan Amendment includes:
The five infrastructure strategies that will guide implementation of the Downtown Plan were also presented to the Committee as separate items. Staff reports for these items include:
Planning and Growth Management Committee is videotaped and archived on YouTube. You can now watch the entire May 1, 2018 Committee event. The presentation on the Downtown OPA, presented by Gregg Lintern, Chief Planner, begins at the one hour 51 minute mark.
The proposed Downtown Plan provides detailed direction on the appropriate scale and location of future growth. It also links this growth with infrastructure provision to ensure the creation of ‘Complete Communities’, addressing the requirements under the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2017). The proposed Plan was presented to Planning and Growth Committee on September 7, 2017.
The TOcore Phase 1 Staff report went before Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC) on November 10, 2015 and was subsequently adopted by City Council at its December 9, 2015 meeting. A copy of the Staff Report and the accompanying TEYCC presentation (in both video and hard copy) and available here:
This Staff Report to Toronto and East York Community Council initiated the TOcore project.