The City of Toronto is moving forward with reconstruction of the Scarlett Road Bridge and the intersection of Scarlett Road, St. Clair Avenue West and Dundas Street West. Utility relocation work has started and will continue into 2025. Bridge and road construction is expected to begin in summer/fall 2025.

Map of work area at Scarlett Road Bridge between St Clair Ave West and Dundas Street West. Please contact Michael Vieira at for more information.

Scarlett Road Bridge Reconstruction

In 2008, the City completed a study to address the safety and traffic operations in the area around the Scarlett Road Bridge. The study recommended making changes to the bridge and surroundings roads in order to improve the road capacity and reduce congestion.

In late 2017, the City began work on detailed designs for the reconstruction of the bridge and the intersection of Scarlett Road with Dundas Street West and St. Clair Avenue West.

Planned work includes:

  • Replacement of the railway bridge above Scarlett Road and the addition of one northbound lane and one southbound lane under the bridge for a total of two lanes in each direction
  • Lowering Scarlett Road to allow large vehicles and trucks to pass underneath the bridge
  • Improved sidewalks under the bridge and at the intersections at Scarlett Road and Dundas Street West, and Scarlett Road and St. Clair Avenue West
  • Raised bikeways on Scarlett Road
  • Multi-use trail on the north side of Dundas Street West, east and west of Scarlett Road
  • New southbound left-turn lane from Scarlett Road to Dundas Street West
  • New landscaping and public art

Below is a summary of past consultation events.

2022 Drop-In Event

On July 12, 2022, the City hosted an in-person drop-in meeting to provide an update on the design and how it addresses comments that were heard in previous consultations. Over fifty people attended.

View Event Materials

2019 Public Meeting

On April 29, 2019, the City hosted a public meeting to provide an update on the bridge project. The Scarlett Road Bike Lanes Project was also presented at the meeting. Over one hundred residents attended.

View Event Materials

2017 Public Meeting

On November 28, 2017, the City hosted a public meeting to present initial designs for the reconstruction of the Scarlett Road Bridge and the intersection of Scarlett Road, Dundas Street West and St. Clair Avenue West.

Residents had an opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback and speak to members of the project team.

A total of 97  people attended the event, which included: area residents, local political representatives, local business owners, affected property owners and representatives from active transportation groups.

View Event Materials

To request assistance reading these files, please contact Mark De Miglio at 416-395-7178 or

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