The city of Toronto has more shelter beds per capita than any other Canadian city.

The shelter system is composed of shelters and 24-hour respite sites that are operated by the City and community agencies funded by the City. All sites must meet City standards.

Referrals to emergency shelter and respite are managed by Central Intake, which can be reached 24-hours a day. Central Intake can also provide information on daytime drop-in programs, street outreach and other related services.

Winter Services Plan

Additional measures the City takes between November 15 and April 15 to support people experiencing homelessness.

Developing Shelter Sites

Find out how the City is expanding and enhancing its shelter system.

Successful Pathways to Housing

Highlighted stories from individuals who have transitioned from shelters to stable homes.

Housing & Homelessness Research & Reports

Reports and current research on homelessness trends and service use.

View information on daily shelter system occupancy and the number of people who enter and leave the shelter system.