Transcription (some part of this report have been blacked out to preserve privacy):
20 Oct. 55
…was referred for intellectual appraisal by her teacher because she is slow in school.
…is a small, pleasant girl. She was co-operative, but tended to become careless unless the examiner was fairly strict.
As she has been only a year in Canada and she still has a serious language handicap, the Performance Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Test was administered. …’s score, I.Q….places her in the Dull Normal range.
…’s main problem seems to be a lack of discipline. If…was given short exercises at first and then longer ones, with the teacher strictly supervising her work but at the same time encouraging her if she does well, it may help her to learn to concentrate and do a task carefully.
Recommend: Ordinary Class. Extra Acadmic Help.
J. Beer, Psychologist.
15 May 56; Interview Revised Stanford-Binet Test Form L; Bender-Gestalt; C.A. 10 0/, M.A.–; I.Q. Deferred.
An attempt was made to retest…on the Stanford-Binet. Her language handicap is still however too serious to allow for a reliable testing. Although one still suspects from the performance items that…is within the Dull normal range, her work at school has shown no improvement at all. She isn’t reading even at the grade…level yet.
Opportunity class placement if possible, would be the most beneficial for her at present.
Re-examination in November 1956.
J. M. Beer, psychologist.