Red Door Family Shelter, one of Toronto’s oldest operating family shelters, has reopened its doors in Leslieville. The innovative shelter is now purpose-built and will house 350 to 400 families every year. It was made possible by a unique arrangement between the City of Toronto and Harhay Developments and integrates the shelter into a private residential condo building, occupying four floors at its original location at 189B Booth Avenue, on the corner of Booth Avenue and Queen Street East.

Visit the Red Door Family Shelter website for more information.


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reception desk with colourful walls
Reception. Click to enlarge.
Two beds with blue covers and a large window.
Family suite. Click to enlarge.
Large white table with 7 office chairs and large window.
Meeting room. Chairs can be moved/removed to meet Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines for physical distancing in congregate living settings. Click to enlarge.
orange walls with three teal couches.
Lounge. Chairs can be moved/removed to meet Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines for physical distancing in congregate living settings. Click to enlarge.
Table with green chairs and bright orange walls.
Children’s play room. Chairs can be moved/removed to meet Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines for physical distancing in congregate living settings. Click to enlarge.
orange children's play area with toys and matts
Children’s play room. Click to enlarge.
orange kitchen with industrial fridge and white picnic table
Kitchen. Click to enlarge.
stainless steel kitchen appliances
Kitchen. Click to enlarge.
Breakfast area with cereal dispenser and toaster with orange and green walls.
Breakfast area. Click to enlarge.
green and purple brightly lit hallway
Hallway. Click to enlarge.