Service Description

Building Permit for interior alterations to an existing building, where the floor area of the building does not increase. The use of the building may also change.

Service Outcome

Building Permit

All drawings to be done on standardized sized sheets, drawn to scale, fully dimensioned, signed and dated.

If drawings were prepared by a qualified designer (as defined under Div. C, Part 3, Section 3.2 of the Ontario Building Code), drawings must include the designer’s name, registration number, qualification identification number, signature, and stamp/statement that the person has reviewed and taken responsibility for the design activities.

All drawings, reports, and forms, including the completed Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish, must be provided in a PDF format.

Site Plan

  • Site plan showing property lines, lot area (referenced to a current survey)
  • Key plan showing location of existing/proposed construction.
  • Location of all existing/proposed buildings with overall dimensions and setback dimensions to property lines and adjacent buildings.
  • Summary of permitted and proposed zoning provisions.
  • Indicate fire route, fire department connections and fire hydrants.
  • All parking/loading spaces. Include Barrier-Free information such as: curb cuts, designated accessible parking spaces, access ramps and all associated details.

Architectural Plans

  • Dimensioned floor plans for each level, showing existing and proposed uses of all spaces, including all plumbing fixtures, reflected ceiling and associated details.
  • Provide existing/proposed construction, interior/exterior wall assemblies, fire separations and structural framing above.

Roof Plan

  • Existing and proposed roof layout showing roof structure, skylights, roof slopes, ventilation and including any screening requirements for mechanical roof top equipment.


  • Cross section(s) to show existing/proposed building construction and specifications of all floor, wall and roof assemblies.
  • Show floor to floor, floor to ceiling, and overall building heights.
  • Detail fire separations, stairs, landings, guards and handrails.

Construction Details and Notes

  • Building materials and specifications of all wall, floor and roof assemblies with typical wall section and typical roof detail
  • Provide guard details including connection detail
  • Door and room finish schedules

Building Life Safety

  • Provide information about the life safety system in the building. The Building Design Information Form, Existing Life Safety Systems or an OBC Matrix may be used to show this information.

Please note: not all projects are eligible for email submission. Review the list of eligible applications and detailed email submission process.

To submit an application by email please use the ‘Email’ button on top of the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish.

Application to Construct or Demolish Form

Building permit application form required for all submissions

Schedule 1: Designer Information Form

Required for all designers, except Engineers and Architects when applying for any Construction Permit. Property Owners, if exempted, from Qualification / Certification, they must fill-in the form to specify the reason for exemption.

Commitment to General Reviews By Architect and Engineer

Required for all buildings where professional design and field review is required by the Ontario Building Code. This form must be signed by the owner or agent and the professional architect, engineer, or consultant.

Existing Life Safety System for Building Form

Required for most alteration/renovation applications. (Part 9 or Part 3 other than houses), to reveal information about the building’s life safety system in the building. “The Building Design Information Form” could be used as a substitute.

Interpretation of Fee Calculation

  • The floor area of the proposed work is measured to the outer face of exterior walls and to the centre line of party walls or demising walls. For interior alterations or renovations, the area of proposed work is the actual space receiving the work. Mechanical penthouses and floors, mezzanines, lofts, habitable attics and balconies are to be included in all floor area calculations. Except for interconnected floor spaces, no deductions are made for openings within the floor area. Unfinished basements and attached garages for single detached, semi-detached, duplex and townhouse dwellings are not included in the floor area. Fireplaces, porches, decks etc. are included in the permit fee for single detached, semi-detached, duplex and townhouse dwellings. Where interior alterations and renovations require relocation of sprinkler heads or fire alarm components, no additional charge is applicable. Ceilings are included in both new shell and finished (partitioned) buildings. The Service Index for ceiling applies only when alterations occur in existing buildings. Minor alterations to existing ceilings to accommodate lighting or HVAC improvements are not chargeable. Where demolition of partitions or alteration to existing ceilings is a part of an alteration or renovations permit, no additional charge is applicable. Corridors, lobbies, washrooms, lounges, etc. are to be included and classified according to the major classification for the floor area on which they are located.
  • The occupancy categories in the Schedule correspond with the major occupancy classifications in the Ontario Building Code. For mixed occupancy floor areas, the Service Index for each of the applicable occupancy categories may be used, except where an occupancy category is less than 10 per cent of the floor area.
  • In the case of an incomplete application, if the preliminary estimate of the fees required is more than $20,000, then the deposit shall be the greater of $20,000 or an amount equal to 60 per cent of the estimated full Building Permit fees required
Interior alterations (partitions, finishings, etc.) Fee (per m², unless otherwise stated)

Effective Jan. 1, 2025

Group A, B and D $5.32
Group C, E and F $4.93
Alterations/renovations, residential occupancies, floor replacement $5.73


The permit fees shown above are shown as as Service Index per square metre of proposed work, unless otherwise specified. For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Building Permit Fees page.

Building Permit Fees may be paid by cash, cheque, debit card, Visa or MasterCard.

  • Payment by Visa, MasterCard or Amex is limited to a maximum of $20,000.00. Any balance of payment may be paid by cash, cheque, or debit card by visiting one of Toronto Building’s customer service counters.
  • Payment by personal or company cheque that is less than $2,000.00 must be certified.
  • Payment of any applicable Parkland Dedication, Development Charges, Educational Development Charges, or Planning Benefits, including other development related fees, must be made in person and paid by certified cheque only. All cheques are to be made payable to: “The Treasurer – City of Toronto.”

No permit will be issued until all fees are paid. However, for projects with fees greater than $20,000, a partial permit for excavation and shoring may be issued if the required deposit is made on the Building Permit fee.

Protect Your Privacy

Please do not include any personal information on your Building Plans (e.g., the homeowner’s name or phone number). Building Plans submitted for Permit are subject to disclosure in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).