Complaint Policy

Toronto Building will manage complaints efficiently, fairly, effectively, and uniformly.

Complainants are encouraged to first speak directly with the service area where they have an issue, in person or by telephone. Most complaints are received this way and resolved promptly. If you are not satisfied with how your verbal complaint is handled, you may request to speak to the management in the service area. If you are still not satisfied you may submit a written complaint to Toronto Building or communicate your complaint verbally at the Customer Service Complaint office. (See contact information under complaint process below).

Anonymous complaints will not be processed through this protocol.

All registered complaints will be investigated and responded to within 30 days. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome the matter may be appealed to the Chief Building Official. Every effort will be made to resolve the matter identifying all options available to seek a resolution.

Service Complaints may include:

  • timeliness of a service (other than regulated timelines)
  • failure to provide a service or action in accordance with policies and procedures
  • error made by staff
  • improper treatment or poor service by staff
  • dissatisfaction with a policy or procedure
  • services available inadequate


Toronto Building often receives inquiries and concerns that actually fall under the jurisdiction of other City Divisions or agencies.

The following are some of the most common examples that come under the jurisdiction of Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) division:

  • property standards issues
  • no heat in apartment buildings
  • construction noise
  • fences
  • complaints about existing structures

For fastest response to these type of complaints please contact MLS directly.


Some other common complaints fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour.

Many of these complaints relate to unsafe construction practices related to balcony guards, scaffolding, construction methods and equipment. These complaints should be directed to the Ministry of Labour Health & Safety Contact Centre at 1-877-202-0008

Toronto Building is responsible to respond to a number of issues that are handled as service requests. Although these do not fall under our Customer Service Complaint Protocol, we will be pleased to accept your requests for any service we handle or redirect you to the appropriate division or service area.

The following are some common service requests:

  • request to respond to construction proceeding without a permit
  • request to respond to various issues related to construction with a permit
  • inquiry about delays in permit issuance
  • concerns related to billboards and signs

Step 1

Speak directly with the service area where you have an issue, in person or by telephone. The service area representative will provide an immediate response whenever possible. If the matter requires further investigation, the service area representative will provide a response within two business days.

Step 2

If resolution was not accomplished under Step 1, you may request to speak to the management in the service area. You are entitled to discuss the matter with a Manager and/or Director in the service area. (A record of your complaint will be entered into the tracking system) Management will provide a response within seven business days.

Step 3

If satisfaction is not reached under Step 2, you may submit a complaint to the Office of the Chief Building Official, c/o Toronto Building Complaints. To submit a written request, please complete the complaint form.

  • Telephone: 416-392-2855
  • TTY: 416-398-0889 (311 enquiry line)
  • Email:
  • Fax: 416-696-4143
  • Mail:
    Office of the Chief Building Official
    Toronto City Hall
    12th Floor, East Tower,
    100 Queen St. W.,
    Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
    Attention: Toronto Building Complaints

Receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged within the same day the complaint is received. If the information regarding the complaint is incomplete, Toronto Building will contact the complainant within two business days. Your complaint will be assigned a unique tracking number and logged into Toronto Building’s electronic tracking system. A management representative is assigned to resolve the matter with the complainant. The management representative will undertake the investigation into the matter as soon as the information is logged and received, and respond to the complainant with a resolution or options for resolution within 30 business days of receipt.
If the complaint involves a matter regarding a policy, procedure or service offered by Toronto Building, this information will be reviewed by Division management to determine if any changes or improvements should be implemented. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the process.

Step 4

If the complainant does not reach a satisfactory resolution under Step 3, the matter may be appealed in confidence to the Chief Building Official in writing. The Chief Building Official will acknowledge and obtain any further information required within seven days . The Chief Building Official will respond to the complainant with a resolution or options for resolution within 30 business days.

By mail:

Office of the Chief Building Official
Toronto City Hall
12th Floor, East Tower,
100 Queen St. W.,
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Step 5

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome under Step 4, the matter may be directed to the Ombudsman.

The Building Code, Subsection, requires that an inspector provide an inspection within two days once a notice for inspection has been submitted (See Prescribed Inspections below for details) If you have a dispute about the time frames not being met you may appeal to the BCC through an application for hearing.

Application for Hearing

Period within Which Permit Shall be Issued or Refused

BUILDING CODE (Division C Table

Row Number Class of Building Time Period


(a) A detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, or row house where no dwelling unit is located above another dwelling

(b) A detached structure that serves a building described in Clause (a) and does not exceed 55 m² in building area

(c) A tent to which Section 3.14 of Division B applies

(d) A sign to which Section 3.15 of Division B applies.

10 days


(a) Buildings described in Clauses of Division A, other than buildings described in column 2 of any of Rows 1 and 4 of this Table.

(b) Farm buildings that do not exceed 600 m² in building area.

15 days


(a) Buildings described in Clauses or (b) of Division A, other that buildings described in Column 2 of any of Rows 1 and 4 of this Table.

(b) Farm buildings exceeding 600m² in building area.

20 days


(a) Post-disaster buildings

(b) Buildings to which Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B or any provision in Articles to of Division B applies.

30 days

Prescribed Inspections


(1) Except as provided Sentence (2), an inspector or registered code agency, as the case may be, shall not later than two days after receipt of a notice given under Sentence, undertake a site inspection of the building to which the notice relates.

(2) Where a notice given under Sentence relates to matters described in Clause or (l), an inspector or registered code agency, as the case may be, shall, not later than five days after receipt of the notice, undertake a site inspection of the sewage system to which the notice relates.

(3) When undertaking an inspection required under Sentence (1) and (2), the inspector or registered code agency, as the case may be, may consider reports concerning whether the building or part of the building complies with the Act or this Code.

(4) The time periods referred to in Sentences (1) and (2) shall begin on the day following the day on which the notice is given.

(5) The time periods referred to in Sentences (1) and (2) shall not include Saturdays, holidays, or all other days when the offices of the principal authority are not open for the transaction of business with the public.


Building Code Commission Contact for Time Period Disputes for Permit Processing and for Site Inspection:

Nella Auciello, Secretary
Building Code Commission
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Building & Development Branch
777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5
Tel: 416-585-6645
Fax: 416-585-7531

This Customer Service Complaint Protocol has been based on the corporate Complaints Handling Guidelines. Toronto Building will manage your complaint in accordance with these guidelines. Complaints will also be managed in accordance with the accessibility standards that have been established in accordance with Access for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

All complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of the Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)