Executive Summary of our public engagement activities.
Public Lecture – February 6, 2018
The Public Lecture launched the project by outlining the process and points of public engagement, providing the public with a brief history of the site and defining heritage interpretation and its relation to this phase of the project. A video recording of the lecture is available online.
Experts Workshop Summary – February 28, 2018
A group of heritage, history and social studies knowledge experts were brought together to help identify further thematic and narrative heritage information related to the site, review and identify gaps in the heritage research, and outline principles to help refine the Heritage Interpretation Strategy.
Public Workshop Summary – March 8, 2018
At this workshop, the public learned more about the history of the site and heritage interpretation, and also helped to identify further thematic and narrative heritage information related to the site, review and identify gaps in the heritage research as well as outline the ideal site experiences that will help refine the Heritage Interpretation Strategy. The presentation is available online.
Online Survey Summary – March 19 – May 9, 2018
An online survey was launched to broaden and supplement the reach of the in-person engagement activities and to offer an accessible alternative.
Community Walk Summary – March 24, 2018
The public was taken on a tour of the Corktown neighbourhood to learn about the histories contained within the First Parliament site.
First Parliament Backgrounder highlights the opportunities and issues surrounding the First Parliament site
A workshop held for the public to learn about the history of the First Parliament site, the Master Planning process, and factors that may affect the design or organization of the site. City staff also updated the public on the Heritage Interpretation Strategy.
A public meeting held to present the final Master Plan, followed by Q&A.