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Chapter 1 Administration
1.20 Interpretation
(1) | By-law Structure and Numbering |
| This By-law is divided into parts using a numeric decimal system as follows: 20. Chapter 20.10 Section 20.10.30 Article Clause
(2) | Numbering of Regulations |
| Articles or Clauses may be divided further into bracketed divisions known as Regulations with the following structure:
(25) [bracketed numeral]
(A) | [bracketed upper-case letter]
(i) | [bracketed lower-case Roman numeral]
(a) | [bracketed lower-case letter]
(3) | Numerical Sequence of Chapters, Sections, Articles and Clauses |
| The Chapters, Sections, Articles and Clauses in this By-law intentionally do not follow in consecutive numerical sequence in order to reserve space for the placement of future regulations. Reference should be made to the Table of Contents to determine the intended numerical sequence of the regulations of this By-law.
(1) | Reference to a Chapter, Section, Article, Clause or Regulation |
| Reference to a Chapter, Section, Article, Clause or Regulation is a reference to a Chapter, Section, Article, Clause or Regulation in this By-law.
(2) | Reference to a Sub-section of a Regulation |
| If reference is made to a sub-section of a regulation, the sub-section itself may be referred to for the sake of brevity. For example, "" would be Clause 15 of Article 30 of Section 10 of Chapter 20, but may be referred to as "Clause"; so too "" may be referred to as "regulation".
(3) | Numeric Reference to a Regulation |
| A numeric reference may be made to a regulation in this By-law.
(4) | References in Square Brackets |
| Information in square brackets [ ] following a regulation is a reference to the origin of that regulation or to a tribunal decision that approved the regulation.
(A) | References to city codes in square brackets, as follows:
(i) | EY - for the former Borough of East York; [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
(ii) | ET - for the former City of Etobicoke;
(iii) | NY - for the former City of North York;
(iv) | SC - for the former City of Scarborough;
(v) | YK - for the former City of York;
(vi) | TO - for the former City of Toronto; and
(vii) | TOR - for the amalgamated City of Toronto;
(B) | By-laws are represented in square brackets by city code and by-law number;
(C) | Sections of by-laws are represented in square brackets by city code, by-law number and section; and
(D) | Ontario Municipal Board decisions are represented in square brackets by "OMB" and the file number.
(5) | Reference to Planning Act |
| A reference to the Planning Act in this By-law, refers to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended.
(6) | Word Usage |
| In this By-law, unless the contrary intention appears:
(A) | words used in the singular include the plural;
(B) | words used in the plural include the singular;
(C) | "used" includes "intended to be used"; and
(D) | a grammatical variation of a word or expression defined or used has the same meaning.
(7) | Conjunctions and Disjunctions |
| Unless the context indicates otherwise:
(A) | "and" indicates that all connected items or regulations apply; and
(B) | "or" indicates that the connected items or regulations may apply singularly, alternatively or in combination.
(8) | Examples |
| If "such as" appears in this By-law followed by examples, the application of "such as" to a definition or regulation is not limited to those examples.
(9) | Zone Categories and Zones |
| Chapters 10 to 100 comprise different zone categories that include one or more zones with the same primary land use permissions. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
(10) | General Regulations for Each Zone |
| General regulations that apply to all zones or within a zone category may be superseded by more specific regulations in the zone sections.
(11) | Reference to a Zone Category |
| A reference made to a zone category includes all zones within that zone category.
(12) | Reference to a Zone |
| A reference to a zone includes its zone name, zone symbol, or zone label.
(13) | Interpretation of Permitted Uses |
| A use is permitted in a zone if it is:
(A) | included on the list of permitted uses for that zone; or
(B) | included on the list of permitted uses with conditions.
(14) | When Uses Are Not listed |
| If a use is not listed as permitted, it is not allowed.
(15) | Interpretation of Uses |
| A listed or defined permitted use may not be interpreted as including any other use.
(1) | Zone Symbols and Zone Labels |
| The zone symbol on the Zoning By-law Map may be followed by components outlined in the "Interpretation" Section of each Chapter. The zone symbol and components are collectively referred to as the zone label.
(2) | Zone Labels and Boundaries |
| All lands regulated by this By-law are delineated by a zone boundary line on the Zoning By-law Map and identified by a zone label with one of the zone symbols listed in Section 1.40.
(3) | Site Specific Exceptions |
| If a zone label on the Zoning By-law Map has round brackets ( ) with a lowercase "x" followed by a number, the number in the round brackets refers to specific regulations for the lot or area in that zone, found in Chapter 900 Site Specific Exceptions.
(4) | Holding Symbol (H) |
| If an "H" appears in round brackets ( ) in front of a zone symbol on the Zoning By-law Map, the use or intensity of the development permitted by the zone symbol and zone label for that area is restricted to those permitted by the exception in the zone label as described in regulation 1.20.3(3).
(5) | Determination of Zone Boundaries |
| When a zone boundary is located in a public right-of-way, it extends to the centre line of the public right-of-way.
(6) | Lots in More than One Zone |
| If a lot is in more than one zone, the regulations for each zone apply to the portion of the lot within the respective zone.
(1) | Purpose of an Overlay Map |
| An Overlay Map may alter, add or remove some of the regulations affecting the use of land within an area depicted on the Overlay Map.
(2) | Overlay Maps |
| The following are the Overlay Maps in this By-law:
(A) | Policy Areas Overlay Map, found in Section 995.10;
(B) | Height Overlay Map, found in Section 995.20;
(C) | Lot Coverage Overlay Map, found in Section 995.30; [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(D) | Multi-tenant House Overlay Map, found in Section 995.41. [ By-law: 256-2024 ]
(E) | Community Overlay District Map, found in Sections 600.10, 600.20, 600.30 and 600.50; and [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(F) | Parking Zone Overlay Map, found in Section 995.50. [ By-law: 420-2023 ]