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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
1.40Zones and Zone Categories
1.40.10Residential Zone Category
1.40.15Residential Apartment Zone Category
1.40.30Commercial Zone Category
1.40.40Commercial Residential Zone Category
1.40.50Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category
1.40.60Employment Industrial Zone Category
1.40.80Institutional Zone Category
1.40.90Open Space Zone Category
1.40.100Utility and Transportation Zone Category
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 1 Administration

1.40 Zones and Zone Categories

1.40.10 Residential Zone Category

(1)Residential Zones
The zones in the Residential Zone category are:

Residential R
Residential Detached RD
Residential Semi-Detached RS
Residential Townhouse RT
Residential Multiple RM
(2)Purpose of the Residential Zone Category
The Residential Zone category permits uses associated primarily with the Neighbourhoods designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes a range of residential building types in different zones. The residential building types identified in the Residential Detached (RD), Residential Semi-Detached (RS) and Residential Townhouse (RT) zones reflect the historical development patterns in an area, however, a range of residential building types are permitted and form the physical context. The zones within this category also include permission for parks and local institutions. [ By-law: 474-2023 ]
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Residential Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Residential Zone category is as follows:
(A)Residential (R)
The purpose of the R zone is to provide areas for a variety of residential building types, including detached houses, semi-detached houses, townhouses, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and apartment buildings.
(B)The purpose of the RD zone is to provide areas for detached houses, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. [ By-law: 474-2023 ]
(C)The purpose of the RS zone is to provide areas for detached houses, semi-detached houses, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. [ By-law: 474-2023 ]
(D)The purpose of the RT zone is to provide areas for detached houses, semi-detached houses, townhouses, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. [ By-law: 474-2023 ]
(E)Residential Multiple (RM)
The purpose of the RM zone is to provide areas for detached houses, semi-detached houses, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and low-rise apartment buildings.

1.40.15 Residential Apartment Zone Category

(1)Residential Apartment Zones
The zones in the Residential Apartment Zone category are:

Residential Apartment RA
Residential Apartment Commercial RAC
(2)Purpose of the Residential Apartment Zone Category
The Residential Apartment Zone category permits uses associated with the Apartment Neighbourhoods designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes apartment buildings, parks, local institutions and small scale retail.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Residential Apartment Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Residential Apartment Zone category is as follows:
(A)Residential Apartment (RA)
The purpose of the RA zone is to provide areas for apartment buildings.
(B)Residential Apartment Commercial (RAC)
The purpose of the RAC zone is to provide areas for apartment buildings with local institutions and small scale retail.

1.40.30 Commercial Zone Category

(1)Commercial Zones
The zones in the Commercial Zone category are:

Commercial Local CL
(2)Purpose of the Commercial Zone Category
The Commercial Zone category permits parks, recreation uses, commercial uses and institutional uses associated with the Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods designations in the Official Plan.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Commercial Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Commercial Zone category is as follows:
(A)Commercial Local (CL)
The purpose of the CL zone is to provide areas for small-scale commercial uses to serve the needs of the local residential area.

1.40.40 Commercial Residential Zone Category

(1)Commercial Residential Zones
The zones in the Commercial Residential Zone category are:

Commercial Residential CR
(2)Purpose of the Commercial Residential Zone Category
The Commercial Residential Zone category permits uses associated with the Mixed Use designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes a range of commercial, residential and institutional uses, as well as parks.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Commercial Residential Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Commercial Residential Zone category is as follows:
(A)Commercial Residential (CR)
The purpose of the CR zone is to provide areas for a broad range of uses, including retail, service commercial, office and residential uses, often in mixed use buildings. The CR zone has development standard sets which set out specific requirements, such as permitted maximum height for a building, required minimum and permitted maximum building setbacks, and angular planes, based on the different physical contexts found in the downtown, "main-streets" and suburban areas.

1.40.50 Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category

(1)Commercial Residential Employment Zones
The zones in the Commercial Residential Employment Zone category are:

Commercial Residential Employment CRE
(2)Purpose of the Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category
The Commercial Residential Employment Zone category permits uses associated with the Regeneration Areas designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes a mix of commercial, residential, light industrial and institutional uses, as well as parks. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Commercial Residential Employment Zone category is as follows:
(A)Commercial Residential Employment (CRE)
The purpose of the CRE zone is to provide areas for a range of retail, service commercial, office, residential and limited industrial uses in single and multiple use buildings.

1.40.60 Employment Industrial Zone Category

(1)Employment Industrial Zones
The zones in the Employment Industrial Zone category are:

Employment Light Industrial EL
Employment Industrial E
Employment Heavy Industrial EH
Employment Industrial Office EO
(2)Purpose of the Employment Industrial Zone Category
The Employment Industrial Zone category permits uses associated with the Employment Areas designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes a variety of manufacturing, warehousing, distribution and office uses within different zones. Some zones have permissions for parks, hotels, small scale retail and services serving area businesses.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Employment Industrial Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Employment Industrial Zone category is as follows:
(A)Employment Light Industrial (EL)
The purpose of the EL zone is to provide areas for light manufacturing, industrial and other employment uses that co-exist in close proximity to sensitive land uses, such as residential and open space.
(B)Employment Industrial (E)
The purpose of the E zone is to provide areas for general manufacturing, industrial and other employment uses that co-exist in relatively close proximity to other manufacturing and industrial uses without major impacts on each other.
(C)Employment Heavy Industrial (EH)
The purpose of the EH zone is to provide areas for heavy manufacturing, industrial and other employment uses that may have impacts on adjacent lands.
(D)Employment Industrial Office (EO)
The purpose of the EO zone is to provide areas for a mix of light manufacturing and office uses that co-exist with each other in a "business park" setting.

1.40.80 Institutional Zone Category

(1)Institutional Zones
The zones in the Institutional Zone category are:

Institutional I
Institutional Hospital IH
Institutional Education IE
Institutional School IS
Institutional Place of Worship IPW
(2)Purpose of the Institutional Zone Category
The Institutional Zone category permits uses associated with the Institutional Areas designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes major educational, health, and government uses within different zones. Some zones may have cultural and institutional uses and institutional residences.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Institutional Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Institutional Zone category is as follows:
(A)Institutional (I)
The purpose of the I zone is to provide areas for a variety of institutional uses. [ By-law: 1092-2021 ]
(B)Institutional Hospital (IH)
The purpose of the IH zone is to provide areas for hospitals and associated uses.
(C)Institutional Education (IE)
The purpose of the IE zone is to provide areas for post-secondary schools and associated uses in a campus setting.
(D)Institutional School (IS)
The purpose of the IS zone is to provide areas for public schools and private schools, and associated uses.
(E)Institutional Place of Worship (IPW)
The purpose of the IPW zone is to provide areas for places of worship and associated uses.

1.40.90 Open Space Zone Category

(1)Open Space Zones
The zones in the Open Space Zone category are:

Open Space O
Open Space Natural ON
Open Space Recreation OR
Open Space Golf Course OG
Open Space Marina OM
Open Space Cemetery OC
(2)Purpose of the Open Space Zone Category
The Open Space Zone category permits uses associated with the Parks and Open Space Areas designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes parks, recreational, cultural and educational uses, as well as the conservation of lands. Some zones include permissions for golf courses, marinas and cemeteries, together with limited retail and commercial service uses.
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Open Space Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Open Space Zone category is as follows:
(A)Open Space (O)
The purpose of the O zone is to provide areas for parks, including gardens and small play areas.
(B)Open Space Natural (ON)
The purpose of the ON zone is to provide areas for the conservation of lands such as ravines and waterways that are part of the natural system.
(C)Open Space Recreation (OR)
The purpose of the OR zone is to provide areas for parks, including recreational uses and facilities, such as sports fields, arenas and community centres.
(D)Open Space Golf Course (OG)
The purpose of the OG zone is to provide areas for golf courses, including clubhouses and associated services, recreational uses and facilities.
(E)Open Space Marina (OM)
The purpose of the OM zone is to provide areas for marinas, including clubhouses and associated services, recreational uses and facilities.
(F)Open Space Cemetery (OC)
The purpose of the OC zone is to provide areas for cemeteries, including associated services and facilities.

1.40.100 Utility and Transportation Zone Category

(1)Utility and Transportation Zones
The zones in the Utility and Transportation Zone category are:

Utility and Transportation UT
(2)Purpose of the Utility and Transportation Zone Category
The Utility and Transportation Zone category permits uses associated with the Utility Corridors designation in the Official Plan. This zone category includes public utilities, transportation uses and recreational uses. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
(3)Purpose of the Zones in the Utility and Transportation Zone Category
The purpose of each zone in the Utility and Transportation Zone category is as follows:
(A)Utility and Transportation (UT)
The purpose of the UT zone is to provide areas for public utilities, transportation uses, horticultural and outdoor recreational uses. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]
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