The Power of Partnership

Partnering with the City provides the opportunity to deliver on mutual objectives and amplify complementary efforts and resources all while fostering an equitable and liveable city.

Below are highlights of the many ways that the power of partnerships can be leveraged to enhance program delivery and make a tangible difference in the lives of residents.

The Strategic Partnerships YouTube playlist also offers inspiring examples of partnerships brought to life.

Please contact to discuss your objectives and to connect you with an aligned City of Toronto program.


These are just a few examples of the path to partnership with City programs. General information, updates and program contacts are available via the links below or contact the Strategic Partnerships Office.

Animal Services

Toronto Animal Services programs help people connect to needed pet services, tools, resources and education to care for their pets, reduce the number of free-roaming pets in the city and to ensure that income does not limit a person’s ability to properly care for their pet.

Arts & Culture Grants

City of Toronto grant programs are a strategic tool used to achieve the City’s social, economic and cultural goals. These funding programs represent a form of partnership with community based organizations that contribute significantly to the goals in relation to community capacity, equitable access, well being, diversity, civic participation and civic cohesion.

CivicLabTO: Post-Secondary Partnerships

The City partners with eight postsecondary institutions via CivicLabTO on projects with mutually beneficial outcomes recognizing that complex city challenges can benefit from collaborative and multidisciplinary solution development.


Individuals, associations and business have donated to and through City programs via DonateTO to make amazing things happen for the community.

Energy and Emissions Programs and Supports – Environment & Climate Division City of Toronto

Through the Better Buildings Partnership (BBP), the City delivers a variety of programs that provide funding, expertise and support to help building owners improve energy efficiency and accelerate emissions reductions in their residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings across Toronto.

Buildings are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto today, generated mainly from burning fossil fuels for heating, cooling and hot water. The City’s target is to reduce emissions from all sectors to net zero by 2040.

More Information HERE or email for no cost support.


Enterprise Toronto offers a spectrum of services for new businesses and start-ups to launch and grow their businesses including information on funding, permits and licences.

Festival & Event Partnerships

The City partners with a variety of local businesses, organizations and community groups to produce numerous popular festivals and events. Find out more about the opportunities available through the City’s Festival & Event Partnerships.

Green Market Acceleration Program (GMAP)

The Green Market Acceleration Program (GMAP) provides local firms and foreign investors with an opportunity to collaborate with the City in order to accelerate the development and commercialization of made-in-Toronto green technologies. Find out how you can partner with the City to support innovation and commercialization within the green economy.

Live Green

Live Green Toronto includes many programs, grants, incentives and resources to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Together we can #TransformTO and make Toronto one of the greenest cities in the world!

Parks, Forestry & Recreation: Waterfront

The City works with many partners to design, build, and maintain the best possible visitor experience in Toronto’s destination waterfront parks. Working together to enhance our public spaces, these partnerships aim to create inclusive, accessible, and diverse opportunities for Toronto residents to enjoy their waterfront.

Partners in Emergency Preparedness

The City’s Partners in Preparedness program aims to support organizations in preparing their employees, volunteers, services and facilities for emergencies.

Playground Enhancement

The City is committed to improving play spaces across Toronto so everyone can experience the joys and benefits of play. The City’s Playground Enhancement Program (PEP) delivers new equipment and designs and provides ways for residents and businesses to get involved.

TinyTO: A New State-of-the-Art City Model

Located in the lobby of City Hall, this 3D model of downtown Toronto serves as a tool to help city planners, developers and residents envision development options, consider expansion patterns and imagine the future. Evolution of TinyTO is underway to help showcase the present and future state of our city.

Toronto Paramedic Services

From First Aid and CPR training to installing new defibrillators in the community, Toronto Paramedic Services offers an array of opportunities to partner with the Safe City Program in support of residents.

Urban Forestry Grants & Incentives

The Urban Forestry Grants & Incentives program fosters collaborations with homeowners, landowners and not-for-profit organizations that advance the City’s strategic priorities to invest in people and neighbourhoods, tackle climate change and build resilience.

Unsolicited Proposals

Aside from sponsorships, donations and partnerships the City regularly requests proposals for goods and services through its standard procurement process. For innovative, commercial ideas that will assist the City in achieving its goals, it welcomes unsolicited proposals from individuals or organizations.

The Strategic Partnerships YouTube playlist offers additional inspiring examples of partnerships brought to life.

I sent an email to DonateTO saying this is what I wanted to do… and I was wondering if we could work together to achieve this goal. I got a response the next day…I came up with a gift basket that…contained all things that are essential to the maintenance of a human being.Peter Zehdee, University student who provided 304 toiletry kits to clients in City of Toronto shelters


The partnership with CaféTO and the City of Toronto has allowed our business to get up and running again which has had a rippling effect throughout our community.
Carl Heinrich, Chef & Co-owner, Richmond Station


We believe we are leaders in the community and feel an obligation to continue to give back.
Jim Lisser, President, North Toronto Baseball Association regarding NTBA’s partnership with DonateTO and the City of Toronto to support the delivery of food hampers to vulnerable residents