RecoveryTO provides a snapshot of the City’s recovery and rebuild decisions, reports, data, dashboards, and media announcements categorized in ‘6 for the 6ix’ Recovery themes. As a city we are experiencing one of the most challenging periods in our recent history with significant economic, social and health implications and disproportionate impacts to Toronto’s Black, Indigenous and equity-deserving communities. While the City continues to respond to the immediate needs of our residents, communities and business, we are also laying the foundation and taking action for the social and economic recovery of our City.
Partnerships with community organizations, businesses, residents and other governments are key to building back a better City for all. In order for Toronto to effectively recover from the pandemic, everyone has a role to play. Please book your vaccine today.
Learn about each of the City’s recovery and rebuild ‘6 for the 6ix’ themes for more information, including how the City has made Equity & Reconciliation an integral part of its COVID-19 pandemic recovery plan. Read about the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan, adopted by Toronto City Council on April 6, 2022.
The City manages a diverse range of data sets covering many issues, services and statistics. RecoveryTO has chosen the these “6 for the 6ix” Recovery Themes & Priorities as a nod to current issues in Toronto. Over time the specific “6” may change as we advance our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Toronto’s COVID-19 emergency declaration ended on May 9, 2022. Team Toronto’s vaccination campaign will continue, as will several additional efforts to guide the City of Toronto and its residents towards recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.