The City provides free public Wi-Fi at many locations throughout Toronto. Use the interactive map to find a location near you.


The City is developing Toronto’s Expanded Free Public Wi-Fi Strategy. Thank you for participating in the consultation. A summary of what we heard will be shared soon.


Locations offering this service have been selected and prioritized based on the following criteria:

This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

Unless otherwise noted, select the TO Public network name to connect.

Community Centres and Arenas

Other locations

At any location offering Free Public Wi-Fi:

  1. Open your connection settings to see available networks
  2. Select TO Public network for most locations
    • City of Toronto for:
      • St. Lawrence Market and Hall
      • One Yonge Community Recreation Centre
      • Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ Community Recreation Centre
    • COT-Public for Canoe Landing Community Recreation Centre
    • iPublic for York Recreation Centre
  3. A page displaying the City of Toronto’s Public Wi-Fi Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy should load. If this doesn’t happen automatically on your device, try opening your web browser
  4. Review Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy
  5. Select I Agree to accept and proceed

Users of the Free Public Wi-Fi are bound by the terms of the City of Toronto’s Public Wi-Fi Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. Users will not be directed to the wireless network unless they agree to the acceptable use and privacy policy terms outlined.

The City of Toronto’s wireless access points are unsecured connections to the internet. Any information you send or receive may be visible to other people. The City of Toronto is not responsible for data transmitted or loss of information over the wireless network. Users should be aware that third parties may be able to obtain information about users’ activities when using the wireless service to connect to the internet. The City of Toronto assumes no responsibility for the security and privacy of online transactions.

Wi-Fi users are responsible for the protection of their devices from viruses, spyware, and spam.

The City of Toronto is not responsible for the safety or configuration of user equipment.

The City of Toronto provides basic instructions on how to connect to the network but is not able to provide technical assistance.

  • Internet speed depends on the time of day, the number of people using the network, and the types of activity it’s being used for.
  • If you’re unable to connect or are finding the service very slow, moving to a different (less busy) area of the building may help.
  • If you’re still having connection issues, you may wish to try restarting your device, turning your Wi-Fi enabler on/off, and/or deleting the TO Public wireless network within your device settings, and adding it again.