The Mayor has special powers and duties under Part VI.1 of the City of Toronto Act.  These include powers to:

  • Bring matters to Council that advance certain Provincial priorities and veto any by-laws passed by Council that may interfere with the advancement of those priorities
  • Appoint the City Manager
  • Hire and dismiss certain City officials and determine the organizational structure of the City of Toronto
  • Create committees of Council, assign their functions and appoint the Chairs and Vice Chairs of committees of Council
  • Propose the City’s budget subject to Council amendments, a Mayoral veto and a Council override process

The Mayor is required to exercise those powers in writing and make them available to the public, subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

You can subscribe to the publication of documents in this register by subscribing to Mayoral Decisions E-Updates.


1-2022 To establish committees of Council and to assign their functions. – amended by Mayoral Decision 10-2023, 29-2023, and 14-2024
2-2022 To appoint the chairs and vice-chairs of committees. – rescinded by Mayoral Decisions 7-2023 and 9-2023
3-2022 To give written approval of by-law(s) prepared for the November 23 and 24, 2022 meeting of City Council.
4-2022 To give written approval of by-law(s) prepared for the November 28, 2022, meeting of Etobicoke York Community Council.
5-2022 To give written approval of by-law(s) prepared for the November 29, 2022, meeting of North York Community Council.
6-2022 To give written approval of by-law(s) prepared for the November 30, 2022, meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.
7-2022 To give written approval of by-law(s) prepared for the December 1, 2022, meeting of Scarborough Community Council.
8-2022 To appoint Paul Johnson as City Manager for the City of Toronto.
9-2022 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the December 8, 2022, meeting of Debenture Committee.
10-2022 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the December 14 and 15, 2022, meeting of City Council.
11-2022 To delegate powers to determine the organizational structure of the City and to hire and dismiss certain City officials to the City Manager and to City Council. – rescinded by Mayoral Decision 6-2023
12-2022 To appoint Paul Raftis as Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.
13-2022 To appoint Bikram Chawla as Interim Chief and General Manager, Toronto Paramedic Services.
1-2023 To appoint Sharon Bollenbach as Executive Director, FIFA World Cup Hosting 2026.
2-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 7 and 8, 2023, meeting of City Council.
3-2023 To appoint Judy Tse as Interim Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.
4-2023 To give written notice to shorten the 10-day period for the Mayor to veto an amendment resolution passed by City Council to the proposed budget.
5-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 15, 2023, meeting of City Council.
6-2023 To rescind Mayoral Decision 11-2022 and delegate certain powers under Part VI.1 of the City of Toronto Act to City Council and the City Manager
7-2023 To rescind a portion of Mayoral Decision 2-2022 and appoint the chair and vice-chair of the Striking Committee.
8-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the July 19, and 20, 2023, meeting of City Council.
9-2023 To rescind the remaining parts of Mayoral Decision 2-2022 and appoint the chairs and vice-chairs of the Council Committees
10-2023 To amend Mayoral Decision 1-2022 to change the composition of the Executive Committee.
11-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the August 10, 2023, meeting of City Council.
12-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the September 6, 2023, meeting of City Council.
13-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the September 7, 2023, meeting of North York Community Council.
14-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the September 8, 2023, meeting of Scarborough Community Council.
15-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the September 29, 2023, meeting of Debenture Committee.
16-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 2, 2023, meeting of General Government Committee.
17-2023 To establish the Service Excellence Committee and assign its functions. – amended by Mayoral Decision 12-2024
18-2023 To appoint the chair and vice-chair of the Service Excellence Committee.
19-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 11 and 12, 2023, meeting of City Council.
20-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 17, 2023, meeting of North York Community Council.
21-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 18, 2023, meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.
22-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 19, 2023, meeting of Scarborough Community Council.
23-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 8 and 9, 2023, meeting of City Council.
24-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 13, 2023, meeting of Etobicoke York Community Council.
25-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 14, 2023, meeting of North York Community Council.
26-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 15, 2023, meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.
27-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 16, 2023, meeting of Scarborough Community Council.
28-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 27, 2023, meeting of Debenture Committee.
29-2023 To amend Mayoral Decision 1-2022 to change the composition of the Planning and Housing Committee. – rescinded by Mayoral Decision 14-2024
30-2023 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the December 13, 14 and 15, 2023, meeting of City Council.
1-2024 To prepare a proposed budget for the City for City Council’s consideration.
2-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 6 and 7, 2024, meeting of City Council.
3-2024 To give written notice to shorten the 10-day period for the Mayor to veto an amendment resolution passed by City Council to the proposed budget.
4-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 14, 2024, meeting of City Council.
5-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 16, 2024, meeting of Scarborough Community Council.
6-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 21, 2024, meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.
7-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 22, 2024, meeting of North York Community Council.
8-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the February 26, 2024, meeting of Etobicoke York Community Council.
9-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the March 20 and 21, 2024, meeting of City Council.
10-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the April 17 and 18, 2024, meeting of City Council.
11-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the May 13, 2024, meeting of Debenture Committee.
12-2024 To amend Mayoral Decision 17-2023 to change the composition of the Service Excellence Committee.
13-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the May 22 and 23, 2024, meeting of City Council.
14-2024 To rescind Mayoral Decision 29-2023 and to amend Mayoral Decision 1-2022 to change the composition of the Planning and Housing Committee and the Economic and Community Development Committee.
15-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the June 26 and 27, 2024, meeting of City Council.
16-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the July 23, 2024, meeting of Debenture Committee.
17-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the July 24 and 25, 2024, meeting of City Council.
18-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the September 5, 2024, meeting of City Council.
19-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 9 and 10, 2024, meeting of City Council.
20-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the October 25, 2024, meeting of Debenture Committee.
21-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 13 and 14, 2024, meeting of City Council.
22-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the November 27, 2024, meeting of the Debenture Committee.
23-2024 To give written approval of a by-law prepared by the Executive Director, Development Review.
24-2024 To rescind a portion of Mayoral Decision 14-2024 and to amend Mayoral Decision 1-2022 to change the composition of the Standing Committees.
25-2024 To rescind certain appointments and to appoint the vice-chairs of the Planning and Housing Committee, the Audit Committee, the Civic Appointments Committee, and the Corporations Nominating Panel, and to make the necessary amendments to Mayoral Decision 9-2023.
26-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the December 17 and 18, 2024, meeting of City Council.
27-2024 To give written approval of by-laws prepared for the December 20, 2024, meeting of City Council.
Decision Title


Mayoral Declarations under s. 5.3 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act s. 5.3. requires the Mayor to disclose any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, when exercising any of the power or duties assigned to the head of council in Part VI.1 of the City of Toronto Act. Specifically, the Mayor:

  • shall, upon becoming aware of the interest in the matter, disclose the interest by filing a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the clerk of the municipality;
  • shall not use the power or exercise the duty with respect to the matter; and
  • shall not use their office in any way to attempt to influence any decision or recommendation of the municipality that results from consideration of the matter.
Date Declaration
January 10, 2023 Declaration of Interest re: section 226.6, Powers re committees, and section 226.14, Powers and duties re budget