Performance measures for low emissions transportation & mobility.Toronto Green Standard Air Quality Icon


AQ 1.1 Single-Occupant Vehicle Trips

Reduce single occupancy auto vehicle trips generated by the proposed development by 25% through a variety of multimodal infrastructure strategies and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures. 1

AQ 1.2 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Residential and Non-residential Uses:

Parking spaces must be equipped with an energized outlet, which is clearly marked and identified for electric vehicle charging, in accordance with Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

A) all residential parking spaces provided for dwelling units located in an apartment building, mixed use building, multiple dwelling unit building, excluding visitor parking spaces, must include an energized outlet capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher to the parking space; and,

B) in cases other than those set out in (A) above, 25 percent of the residential and non-residential parking spaces in a building must include an energized outlet capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher.

Note: The requirements for AQ 1.2 may be implemented using any of the following strategies: dedicated electrical outlet, receptacle or EVSE supplied by a separate branch circuit or using Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems (EVEMS) load sharing technologies, which allow multiple vehicles to charge on the same circuit reducing both power requirements and installation costs.

Specifications and Resources

  1. AQ 1.1 applies where a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) is required as part of a development application as outlined in the Development Guide Terms of Reference for the Preparation of Transportation Impact Studies. A Transportation Demand Management Plan sets out measures intended to reduce reliance on personal motor vehicles by residents, patrons and visitors of a development, and to support reduced vehicle parking requirements. Prior to undertaking a formal TIS, it is recommended that City staff be consulted to confirm whether a TIS is required and determine the scope of analysis required. Travel Demand Measures may include but are not limited to improvements to pedestrian connections, bicycle parking/bike stations, and dedicated parking for carsharing vehicles. Carsharing refers to fee-based, shared automobile use that is intended to substitute for private vehicle ownership.
  2. Refer to Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, Regulation E) which provides for EV charging equipment permitted within a parking space, subject to the equipment being located in the same parking space as the vehicle to be charged and within 0.25 metres of two adjoining sides of the parking space and at least 5.35 metres from a drive aisle from which vehicle access is provided. Regulation provides the new regulation for EV Ready parking spaces.
  3. Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, includes new definitions in Chapter 800.50 (233) for energized outlet and (413) for Level 2 charging in effect February, 2022 as follows:
    1. Energized Outlet means a connected point in an electrical wiring installation at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment for electric vehicle charging.
    2. Level 2 Charging means a Level 2 electric vehicle charging level as defined by SAE International’s J1772 standard, as amended (208V to 240V single-phase power, with maximum current of 80A).
  4. Provide the parking space with an energized electrical outlet (junction box with a cover plate or a receptacle) at which a Level 2 EVSE can be installed in the future OR EVSE capable of supplying Level 2 charging capability or a higher level of charging. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is the complete assembly consisting of cables, connectors, devices, apparatus, and fittings installed for the purpose of power transfer and information exchange between the branch circuit and the electric vehicle, commonly referred to as an EV charging station or EV charger.
  5. EV Ready parking spaces and EVSE are installed in accordance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) provisions for electric vehicle charging systems, electric vehicle energy management systems (EV EMS) and electric vehicle supply equipment demand factors without EV EMS. Rule 8-500 of the OESC permits Electrical Vehicle Energy Management Systems (EVEMSs) to monitor loads and automatically control EVSE loads. EVEMS is defined as a means used to control electric vehicle supply equipment loads through the process of connecting, disconnecting, increasing, or reducing electric power to the loads. The system may consist of any of the following: a monitor(s), communications equipment, a controller(s), a timer(s), and other applicable devices.
  6. EV charging infrastructure must be capable of meeting the minimum performance requirements in the table below.
    Circuit Breaker Size Maximum number of EVs (by mean daily weekday VKT)
    20A 1
    30A 2
    40A 4
    50A 5
    60A 6
    70A 8
    80A 10
    100A 12
    125A 15
  7. See the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Costing Study (AES Engineering, 2021) for more information about EV Ready design options and costing analysis for residential development archetypes to comply with this standard.
  8. Energized outlets or EVSE parking spaces shall be labelled for the intended use for electric vehicle charging.


AQ 2.1 Bicycle Parking Rates

Provide bicycle parking spaces in accordance with Chapter 230 of Zoning By-law 569-2013. 1

AQ 2.2 Long-term Bicycle Parking Location

Long-term bicycle parking must be provided in a secure controlled-access bicycle parking facility or purpose-built bicycle locker on the first or second storey of the building or on levels below ground commencing with the first level below ground. 2,3,4

AQ 2.3 Short-term Bicycle Parking Location

Locate short-term bicycle parking in a highly visible and publicly accessible location at-grade or on the first parking level of the building below grade. 2,3,4

AQ 2.4 Electric Bicycle Infrastructure

Residential: At least 15% of the required long-term bicycle parking spaces, or one parking space, whichever is greater, shall include an Energized Outlet (120 V) adjacent to the bicycle rack or parking space. 5

AQ 2.5 Shower and Change Facilities

Provide shower and change facilities consistent with the rate identified in Chapter 230 of the City-wide Zoning By-law. 1

AQ 2.6 Publicly Accessible Bicycle Parking

(Refer to Specifications & Resources 6)

For all uses within 500m of transit station entrance, provide at least 10 additional publicly accessible, short-term bicycle parking spaces, at-grade on the site or within the public boulevard in addition to bicycle parking required under AQ 2.1.

Specifications and Resources

  1. Provide bicycle parking rates, spaces and shower and change facilities in accordance with the Bicycle Parking Space Regulations, Chapter 230 of the City-wide Zoning By-law. Refer to the City of Toronto’s Guidelines for the Design and Management of Bicycle Parking Facilities for best practice design.
  2. Long-term (occupant) bicycle parking spaces are bicycle parking spaces for use by the occupants or tenants of a building. Short-term (visitor) bicycle parking spaces are bicycle parking spaces for use by visitors to a building.
  3. Bicycle Zone 1 is defined as the area of the City bounded by the Humber River on the west, Lawrence Avenue on the north, Victoria Park Avenue on the east and Lake Ontario on the south. Bicycle Zone 2 includes all areas of the city not included in Bicycle Zone 1.
  4. Long-term bicycle parking may be provided on levels below ground, starting on the first level below grade and moving down, in one level increments, when at least 50 per cent of the area of that level is occupied by bicycle parking spaces until all required bicycle parking spaces have been provided. Calculate 50 per cent of the net area of the parking level (deduct required areas such as elevator shafts, drive aisles and mechanical rooms). A short-term bicycle parking space must be no more than 30m from a pedestrian entrance to the principal building on the lot.Where bicycle parking is located on or below the second parking level of the building below-ground, provide at least one elevator accessible to bicycles with direct access to each level where bicycle parking is located. The location and dimensions of the elevator must facilitate easy access for bicycles.
  5. The number of electric bicycle parking spaces is included as part of the total required bicycle parking rate. Locate the Energized outlet at a maximum distance of 1100 mm from the bike rack to accommodate the typical manufacture supplied power cord. Label the required long-term bicycle parking spaces and electric bicycle charging spaces clearly for users.
  6. Bicycle parking should be weather protected and secure.


AQ 3.1 Connectivity

Provide safe, direct, universally accessible pedestrian routes, including crosswalks and midblock crossings that connect the buildings on-site to the off-site pedestrian network and priority destinations. 1

AQ 3.2 Sidewalk Space

Provide a context-sensitive pedestrian clearway that is a minimum of 2.1m wide, to safely and comfortably accommodate pedestrian flow. 2,3

AQ 3.3 Weather Protection

Provide covered outdoor waiting areas for pedestrian comfort and protection from inclement weather. 4

AQ 3.4 Pedestrian Specific Lighting

Provide pedestrian scale lighting that is evenly spaced, continuous and directed onto sidewalks, pathways, entrances, outdoor waiting areas and public spaces.5

Specifications and Resources

  1. Off-site pedestrian networks and priority destinations include sidewalks, transit stops/stations, parking areas (bikes and cars), surrounding parks and open space, mid-block walkways, underground concourses, primary building entrances or other key pedestrian access points, crossings and routes.
  2. The pedestrian clearway is the universally accessible, unobstructed, direct and continuous path of travel within the sidewalk zone. A clearway greater than 2.1m wide may be required at corners, transit nodes or other contexts with high pedestrian volumes or pedestrian activity (e.g. at-grade patios and retail uses): City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines.
  3. A context-sensitive sidewalk zone at least 6m wide, measured from curb to buildings face, is recommended to support a variety of streetscape elements including the pedestrian clearway, trees, furniture, lighting, utilities, cafés, etc. that contribute to a vibrant and complete street. For more information see the applicable Urban Design Streetscape and Public Space Guidelines.
  4. Outdoor waiting areas must include the primary entrance to the building or any entrance adjacent to a lobby. Coverings such as canopies and awnings should be opaque for shade and weather protection and to mitigate bird collisions.
  5. Pedestrian scale lighting must be Dark Sky Compliant in accordance with EC 5.4, directed downward and includes fixtures such as bollards or lower-scale pole fixtures along pedestrian routes. For details on pedestrian scale exterior lighting design strategies that minimize light pollution, refer to the Best Practices for Effective Lighting.