Performance measures to enhance the urban forest, increase biodiversity and minimize urban heat islands.
(Refer to Specifications & Resources 1 to 5)
1) Provide the total amount of soil required on the site and in the adjacent public boulevard to support tree canopy by using the following formula:
2) Each separate new or retained tree planting area must have access to a minimum volume of 30m3 of soil. 6,7
Plant large growing shade trees along street frontages that are spaced appropriately having regard to site conditions and have access to a minimum of 30 m3 of soil per tree. Ensure that space is provided to accommodate mature trunk and root flare growth of each tree. 4,5,8
Plant large growing shade trees throughout the parking lot interior at a minimum ratio of 1:5 (one tree planted for every five surface parking spaces supplied). 9
Provide a watering and maintenance program for trees for at least the first 4 years after planting. 10
Use one or a combination of the following strategies to treat at least 75% of the site’s non-roof hardscape: 1,2,3,4,5
Use one or a combination of the strategies above to treat at least 50% of the site’s non-roof hardscape; or
Provide Soft Landscaping that meets or exceed 20% of the Lot Area. 1,2,3,4,5
Plant the at-grade landscaped site area using a minimum of 50% native plants (including trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants) comprising at least two native flowering species that provide continuous bloom throughout all periods of the growing season. 6,7,8,9
Buildings, where the Green Roof By-law is applied, install a Green Roof to meet the minimum requirements of the Green Roof Bylaw;10,11
Where the Green Roof Bylaw does not apply, provide 100% of the Available Roof Space with one or a combination of the following: 10,11,12
Where development is approved within or adjacent to the Natural Heritage System or Ravine and Natural Feature Protection Area, prepare and implement a Stewardship Plan for the setback, buffer and feature areas located within the property boundary and/or within the lands to be conveyed into public ownership. 1,2,3
Plant the landscaped area within the Ravine and Natural Feature Protected area and the Natural Heritage System with 100% native plants, ensuring at least 50% of those come from a regionally appropriate seed source (including trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants). 4,5,6,7,8
(Refer to Specifications & Resources 1 to 5)
Enroll the project in the Climate Positive Design Challenge and use the Pathfinder tool to calculate the years to carbon positive design. Incorporate low-carbon sustainable material alternatives into the proposed landscape design.
Conduct a lifecycle assessment (LCA) for the landscape design at the Concept Design and Detailed Design stages. Demonstrate a reduction in the carbon impact of the project at Detailed Design milestone. Identify low-carbon sustainable material alternatives to the proposed landscape design.
Use a combination of the following strategies to treat a minimum of 85% of all exterior glazing within the first 16 m of the building above grade, or to the height of the mature tree canopy, whichever is greater: 1,2,3,4,5
Areas where visual markers are required include: 6,7
Treat the first 4 m of glazing above the feature and a buffer width of at least 2.5 m on either side of the feature using strategies from EC 5.1.
Ensure ground level ventilation grates have a porosity of less than 20 mm X 20 mm (or 10 mm x 50 mm).
All exterior fixtures must be Dark Sky compliant. Rooftop and exterior facade architectural illumination must be directed downward and turned off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. 8,9