The public review period for the draft Terms of Reference is now closed. All comments and questions received will be addressed in the Final Terms of Reference which will be available again for public, government and Indigenous Community review this winter.


The Scarborough Bluffs West Project will explore opportunities for improved waterfront access between the Eastern Beaches (Silver Birch Avenue) and Bluffer’s Park along Lake Ontario, while enhancing the protection of sensitive shoreline and natural areas.

The project will consider opportunities to:

  • Improve how people access, move through, and experience the waterfront
  • Provide a connected trail system while exploring the feasibility of a shoreline trail
  • Preserve and enhance the natural environment, including the cultural significance of the Bluffs
  • Minimize natural hazards and risks to public safety caused by erosion

Virtual Tour

Detailed designs

We are currently early in the planning process and have not yet developed any alternatives or designs. Plan view designs and renderings of proposed alternatives will be available to the public later in the Environmental Assessment process.

Note that Environmental Assessments do not involve development of detailed designs. Following completion of the Environmental Assessment and approval by the Province, TRCA would seek funding to undertake detailed design work of the preferred alternative.

Origin of study

TRCA initiated the study following direction from Toronto City Council in 2021, which highlighted Scarborough Bluffs West as a priority project to address remaining risks to public safety and property and explore the viability of a shoreline trail connection. The Council motion providing this direction and funding for the study can be found here.

Cost of the study and construction

TRCA received approximately $2.9 million from the City of Toronto to conduct the Environmental Assessment. At this time, there is no funding secured for the design or construction of the future preferred option that will be selected through the Environmental Assessment process. The City is in ongoing discussions with the provincial and federal governments about potential funding for the next phase of waterfront revitalization.

Impacts of changes on the study area

The study area has been impacted by past and on-going human use. Currently, people are accessing the shoreline via informal paths and makeshift trails, which impacts the natural environment. The Environmental Assessment will explore opportunities to formalize the trail network along the shoreline thus minimizing the impact of unmanaged use. Additionally, most of the shoreline in this area has already been modified through existing erosion management structures.

Climate Change

Climate change is an important aspect of project planning, and we are required to look at both the impact of climate change on the project, as well as potential impact of the project on climate change as part of the Environmental Assessment. A number of technical studies will ensure that the project is designed to be resilient to climate change over the long-term.

Trail design

The project will explore the feasibility of implementing a shared, multi-use trail that meets the standards of the City of Toronto Multi-use Trail Guidelines (2015). Depending on site constraints, the trail may be a paved, at-grade facility or take the form of an elevated boardwalk. There is no proposal yet for the type of trail or alignment of the trail. A number of options will be explored based on site constraints and impacts, including continuous shoreline trails, top of bluff alignments, and a combination of both.

Trail connections

The project will explore opportunities to implement a trail alignment that will establish a connection between the Martin Goodman Trail at Eastern Beaches and Bluffers Park.

Traffic studies

For waterfront projects, traffic impact studies are typically undertaken for construction traffic and such a study will be completed for this project. Traffic impact studies for the day-to-day operation of a waterfront area are typically not undertaken as part of waterfront Environmental Assessments as it is difficult to accurately estimate the number of visitors that may access a waterfront park or trail in the future, how they will access it, and how long they will stay.

Concerns heard from residents to date about traffic impacts have been mostly related to parking on residential streets. Parking is an issue at other waterfront parks and trails and the City of Toronto has developed a number of approaches to manage parking impacts on residential streets.

As part of the identification and evaluation of alternatives, the project team will be seeking to identify connections with transit and active transportation, while also establishing new access points where feasible and appropriate.

Existing conditions of parks and trails

Park maintenance and operations concerns are not within the scope of this study. The City is responsible for maintaining the parks and beach areas within the Study Area. There is a periodic maintenance schedule for garbage clean-up. However, access to the shoreline for garbage clean-up by City staff is limited. To file a maintenance or enforcement request, please create a service request through 311.

Scarborough Waterfront Project

The Scarborough Bluffs West project builds off objectives identified in the Scarborough Waterfront Project (SWP) and will explore opportunities to connect to planned trails in the area.

The design of the SWP West Segment shoreline (from Bluffer’s Park to Meadowcliffe) and Brimley Road South Multi-use Trail (from Barkdene Hills to Bluffer’s Park Road) is nearing 100% detailed design.  Funding to advance implementation of the Brimley Road South Multi-use Trail is secured, and TRCA will be working to coordinate construction timing with the ongoing Bluffer’s Park Beach Major Maintenance project that will be using Brimley Road South for construction access through the summer months to balance impacts to Bluffer’s Park during the peak season use. You can get the latest updates on the SWP by visiting TRCA’s website.

Length of study

The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks requires the City and TRCA to undergo an Individual Environmental Assessment (recently renamed ‘Comprehensive Environmental Assessment’) process. The work required in undertaking the Environmental Assessment includes significant technical and consultation work. It also includes a full provincial government review of the Terms of Reference for approximately six months and of the Environmental Assessment document for approximately 12 months. Individual Environmental Assessments typically take about five years to prepare and approve. TRCA and the City will be working to expedite the Scarborough Bluffs West Environmental Assessment as much as possible.

Erosion risk management

An assessment of high-risk erosion areas is underway as part of the study. Should the assessment determine that certain areas need to be addressed immediately, TRCA will identify what shoreline protection work can be undertaken without an EA approval based on funding availability and priority. TRCA has a funding mechanism for major maintenance of existing shoreline protection, however upper slope stabilization work is currently not funded.

Existing erosion management structures

Erosion refers to the loss of material (soil, rock, etc.) due to wind, water, or other processes. Throughout the study, reference will be made to existing erosion management structures already in place to help manage shoreline erosion along the Scarborough Bluffs West area. TRCA is responsible for the installation and maintenance of these structures. Future improvements or additions to these structures are part of what will be explored in the Environmental Assessment.

Seawall (Sheet Pile Wall or Concrete Wall)

A seawall is a concrete or steel sheet pile structure built parallel to the shore, to protect inland areas against wave action and prevent coastal erosion.

Sheet pile is metal or vinyl sheets that use interlocking edges to create a continuous wall.

Example of a sheet pile wall along the bluffs
Sheet pile wall
Example of a concrete seawall
Concrete seawall

Armourstone Revetment

A revetment is a sloped or unsloped structure, made of an impact resistant material (e.g. armourstone) to protect a bank or shoreline. Armourstone is broken quarried rock often used in coastal engineering.

Example of an armourstone revetment along the shoreline

Beach and Groyne System

A groyne is a low wall of armourstone or other material that is built out into a waterbody to stop drifting and erosion of sand and sediment. A series of groynes act together to create and protect beaches.

Aerial view of groyne system along the Bluffs west

Other Erosion Terms:

Backshore Erosion: Erosion behind a coastal wall from wave overwash (waves higher than the top of the wall that damage the soil behind)

Mass Failure: When a large piece of bank collapses due to erosion processes

Bluff: A steep bank created by erosion processes, usually along a shoreline

Littoral Zone: The area close to shore that is sometimes or always covered in water depending on tidal activity

The study area extends from Kingston Road to Lake Ontario, and from Silver Birch Avenue to Brimley Road.

Map showing boundaries of the study area, as well as the alignment of the Waterfront Trail and locations of major parks and green spaces.The Scarborough Bluffs West shoreline is located in the southwestern part of Toronto, along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

Map showing the Scarborough Bluffs shoreline in the context of the region



In 2021, City Council directed TRCA to initiate an Environmental Assessment to explore the viability of a shoreline connection for the public from Bluffer’s Park to Eastern Beaches (Silver Birch Avenue) (2021.EX28.6). 

The Scarborough Bluffs West Project will be informed by ongoing work to develop a renewed vision for Toronto’s waterfront with a focus on strategic economic development, truth, justice and reconciliation, equity, inclusion and access, and climate resilience and sustainability.

The project supports the following strategies and plans approved by the City of Toronto and TRCA:

  • The Trail Strategy for the Greater Toronto Region  outlines Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) plan to work with partners to complete, expand, manage and celebrate the Greater Toronto Region Trail Network, a connected trail network in our regional greenspace system.
  • The City of Toronto’s Cycling Network Plan aims to connect the gaps in Toronto’s existing cycling network, grow the cycling network into new parts of the City, and renew existing cycling network routes to improve their quality. This section of shoreline has been identified in the Long-term Cycling Network Plan as an area for a future feasibility study.
  • The City of Toronto’s Official Plan is the blueprint that outlines how Toronto will grow and develop over the long term. Policies in Chapter 2, Section 2.3.2 direct staff to improve access to the water’s edge for the public while protecting, maintaining, enhancing and restoring natural heritage.
  • The City of Toronto Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2032 guides City actions to advance truth, justice and reconciliation for the next 10 years. It includes actions that contribute to the visibility and overall well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Toronto through placemaking and place-keeping, supporting economic development and prosperity, increasing civic engagement, honouring Indigenous ways of knowing and being, and recognizing rights to self-determination and self-governance.

Scarborough Waterfront Project

TRCA, in partnership with the City, recently completed an Individual Environmental Assessment for the Scarborough Waterfront Project (SWP), which covered an 11 km stretch along Lake Ontario between Bluffer’s Park and East Point Park in Toronto. The SWP seeks to provide safe public access and an enjoyable waterfront experience, while also protecting and enhancing the natural environment. When complete, both projects will provide enhanced protection along the Scarborough shoreline, including improved access to and connectivity along the waterfront.

The SWP is currently in the detailed design stages. To learn more about the SWP, visit the project website.

Notice of Commencement – Terms of Reference (November 2023)

The Scarborough Bluffs West Project was initiated as an Individual Environmental Assessment (now known as a Comprehensive EA) in the Fall of 2023 and is expected to be complete in 2026. The project is currently in the early stages. The process includes the following steps:

Phase One – Terms of Reference (2023-2024)

  • Study and review existing information about how the environment is likely to be affected by the project, including ecology, coastal processes, erosion, and different ways people are expected to use public spaces in the future
  • Undertake a problem and opportunity assessment and prepare project goals and objectives
  • Draft a Terms of Reference which outlines the approach that the project team will take to completing the Environmental Assessment, including the development of criteria and indicators to measure the achievement of project objectives
  • Conduct public, stakeholder and Indigenous consultation to inform the Terms of Reference
  • Submit the Terms of Reference to the public and Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for review and approval

Overview map of the process for the Terms of Reference phase showing that the project is currently in the Government and Public Review period in summer 2024.

Phase Two – Environmental Assessment (2025 onward)

  • Develop a series of alternatives for the project area
  • Conduct technical studies to understand how the project area may be impacted by the alternatives
  • Evaluate the alternatives using a set of criteria and indicators and select a preferred alternative
  • Further develop the preferred alternative
  • Conduct public, stakeholder and Indigenous consultation to inform the alternatives and final selection
  • Draft an Environmental Assessment Report that captures the findings and submit to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for review and approval, and post online for public review

Graphic showing overview of EA process. No timelines are attached yet. The process shows three rounds of public consultation in between each milestone.

Detailed design and construction of the preferred alternative will proceed following Ministerial approval of the Individual Environmental Assessment (recently updated to be known as a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment), subject to available funding. 


Objectives will provide a basis for evaluating the alternatives later in the Environmental Assessment process. Draft objectives include:

  • Conserve and enhance habitats and natural features on land and in the water
  • Manage public safety and property risk
  • Provide an enjoyable waterfront experience
  • Consistency and coordination with other initiatives, and
  • Achieve value for cost/cost effectiveness

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria measure the ability of each alternative to meet the project objectives and will be used in the Environmental Assessment to assess effects and select a preferred alternative. Draft criteria include:

  1. Naturalization
    1. Extent of aquatic (water) habitat enhanced or diminished​
    2. Extent of terrestrial (land) habitat created, enhanced, or diminished​
    3. Potential impact on Species at Risk
  2. Risk
    1. Ability to minimize public safety risk and property loss as a result of slope and shoreline erosion/failure​
    2. Ability to improve Emergency Services access to the waterfront​
    3. Ability to minimize public safety risk for trails along water’s edge
  3. Access and Experience
    1. Improve public access to the waterfront ​
    2. Potential for changes to the use of the waterfront for recreation​
    3. Ability to integrate within community ​
    4. Opportunities for viewsheds or scenic lookouts
  4. Consistency and Compatibility
    1. Ability to integrate with City and other agency plans and initiatives​
    2. Ability to protect source water protection areas​
    3. Potential impact on archaeological resources, built heritage resources, and cultural heritage landscapes
  5. Fiscal Viability
    1. Estimated capital costs​
    2. Maintenance and operations costs (shoreline works only)

Review of Draft Terms of Reference: July – August 2024

The draft Terms of Reference for the Scarborough Bluffs West Project was available for public review and comment from July 8 to August 7, 2024. All comments and questions received during the review period will be responded to in the Final Terms of Reference. A Consultation Record has also been prepared that describes the consultation carried out during the development of the Terms of Reference.

    The City and TRCA anticipate submission of the Final Terms of Reference this fall. The community will receive notice of the submission and will have another opportunity to review the Final Terms of Reference, including how comments on the draft Terms of Reference were addressed, and submit any remaining or additional comments a this time.

    Round Two Consultation: May 2024

    The second round of public consultation about the draft Terms of Reference was held from May 14 to June 11, 2024.

    • An online survey to gather feedback on the draft Terms of Reference was available throughout the comment period. Comments are no longer being accepted.
    • A pop-up event was held on May 25 at R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plan to promote the project and consultation process to residents.
    • A public drop-in event was held on May 28 at Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute. The event provided an opportunity to view project information panels and speak with members of the project team one-on-one. A copy of the display materials are available.
    • A pre-recorded presentation about the project was made available for residents to watch. A copy of the presentation materials are available.
    • Comments were also accepted via phone, mail and email.

    A summary report of what we heard in Round Two is now available.

    Round One Consultation: February 2024

    The first round of public consultation about the draft Terms of Reference was held from January 31 to February 28, 2024.

    • An online interactive map and survey to gather ideas and issues from the community was available throughout the comment period. Comments are no longer being accepted but can be viewed here.
    • An information session and Q&A was held on February 15. A copy of the presentation materials and a pre-recorded presentation are available for review.
    • Comments were also accepted via phone, mail and email.

    A summary report of what we heard in Round One is now available.

    Community Advisory Group

    A Community Advisory Group (CAG) has been established to provide advice to the project team throughout the study. The CAG is made up of representatives of organizations with an interest in the study and/or who represent residents of Scarborough. The CAG will meet five times throughout the project to review materials and provide input. Minutes will be posted publicly following each meeting.

    Meeting #1 Summary (January 11, 2024)

    Meeting #2 Summary (April 30, 2024)

    Indigenous Consultation

    The project study area is located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Anishnabeg, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Archaeological evidence from this area shows that people were living and hunting along the Scarborough Bluffs at least as early as 10,000 years ago. 

    Engagement with urban Indigenous community members as well as treaty and territorial partners with an interest in the project was conducted in April and May 2024. Ongoing engagement will take place over the length of the project to ensure that Indigenous knowledge and priorities are incorporated into the final Environmental Assessment. A summary of what has been heard to date can be found in the Consultation Record for the Terms of Reference. 

    While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this page. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings or any other content, please contact us at 416-338-2850 or email