The City is using the online tool Webex to support virtual public meetings, consultations and other engagement activities. The instructions outlined here are for Webex Events (not Meetings) and will help residents join and participate in these City engagement activities.
If you need disability-related accommodation to participate in a City online event, please let the organizing staff know as soon as possible to ensure they can work with you to determine a suitable accommodation.
City staff organizing the engagement event will provide the call-in information. If you are registered to speak at a Committee Meeting, please reply with your phone or TTY number to the registration email you will receive.
City staff organizing the engagement event will provide the Webex link. You can use the Webex link both with or without downloading the Webex application.
Call Me
Call Using Computer
I will Call In
You can join using the Webex App available in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Find more information about Webex Events on the Cisco Webex website.
You can change your view to either the active speaker or grid view in an online engagement event. You can find these buttons in the top right corner.
It is recommended to put your screen on the Grid mode. When material is shared it will automatically be switched to the Active Speaker mode by the Host or Presenter.
The Webex app for both iPhone and Android is the preferred method of engagement for screen reader users. iPhone’s VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack are both good at announcing elements. You can use your fingers to navigate everything on the screen.
Tips for the best experience:
If you don’t have a mobile device, the next best way to use Webex with a screen reader is via a web browser.
Select the Join by Browser option beneath the Join Now button when you enter the event. You will be taken to the web version of Webex.
The preferred browsers to use are Chrome and FireFox.
Tips for the best experience:
The screen reader typically used with IE is JAWS.
Tip for the best experience:
The Webex desktop app has made significant accessibility improvements over the past year, while continuing to make adjustments that will enhance the participant’s experience. Below is a quick guide on how screen reader users can interact with WebEx.
Participants may need to use a combination of the keyboard commands keys for an optimal navigation experience.
If you decide to use the desktop app, you may find the following Cisco webpage helpful about Webex Meetings and Webex Events Accessibility Features.
A Webex Accessibility Features Training Video is also available for review.
If you are registered to speak at a Committee meeting, please see the instructions, How to Speak at Committee Meetings, after this section.
City staff will be the “Host” and “Presenter” in Webex Events. You are automatically muted upon entering the event and the Host or Presenter will unmute you when you can ask a question. You will be muted again once your question is asked.
The Presenter will share their screen to display supporting materials when required. You will not be visible during the meeting.
If you are joining the online engagement event by using Webex through an Internet browser or the Webex App on your computer:
If you are joining the online engagement event by using a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet):
Once you have registered to speak at a Committee Meeting, you will receive an email with a link and password.
If you require a disability-related accommodation to participate in an online City event, please let the organizing staff know as soon as possible after you have registered to ensure they can work with you to determine a suitable accommodation. Accessibility at the City outlines ways to access City’s services and programs that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.
The City has been using Cisco Webex as its enterprise standard video conferencing tool for approximately eight years. Webex is a secure platform that integrates with the City’s existing technology assets, aligns with our security standards and policies, responds to the unique needs of City divisions and allows for efficient coordination between the City, its Agencies and Corporations and residents.
The City and Cisco are committed to addressing accessibility concerns, and have been working together to make significant improvements that enhance access for all online engagement participants. The City continues to collaborate with Cisco on the improvement of accessibility features to ensure an optimal virtual engagement experience.
City online engagement events, meetings, meetings or other forms of public consultation may be recorded. Please consult with the City staff organizing the event to determine if the event will be recorded, and if so, how the recording is being made available.
If you do not wish to be recorded, please speak with the staff organizing the event about other ways to provide your input.
Participation in an online engagement event is not like participating in an in-person event. All participants have an even greater role to play to achieve a successful online engagement event.