Zero Tolerance for Abuse applies to any person who has contact with a resident or client, including staff, agents, volunteers, family members, substitute decision makers (SDMs), visitors, paid trainees and paid companions. Seniors Services and Long-Term Care adheres to and enforces zero tolerance of abuse by any person.
Seniors Services and Long-Term Care strictly adheres to and enforces zero tolerance of abuse of residents and clients by any person.The policy Zero Tolerance for Abuse applies to any person who has contact with a resident or client, including staff, agents, volunteers, family members, substitute decision makers (SDMs), visitors, paid trainees and paid companions.The definition of zero tolerance for abuse is defined by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as:
“Zero tolerance” means within this policy, that the Long-Term Care Home Operator shall:
- Uphold the right of the residents of Long-Term Care Homes to be treated with dignity and respect within those homes, and to live free from abuse and neglect.
- Neither abuse, nor allow the abuse of any resident in the Operator’s Long-Term Care Home by Staff or volunteers, nor condone the abuse of any resident by any other person(s) at the home.
- Provide information and education regarding abuse and the prevention of abuse.
- Treat every allegation of abuse as a serious matter.
- Investigate every allegation of abuse.
- Take corrective action, including sanctions or penalties against those who have committed abuse against a resident.
- Report to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care every suspected or confirmed incident of abuse.
- Make every effort to eliminate abuse through the quality and risk management programs.
For the purpose of this policy, staff includes any permanent, part-time and contracted:
- Employees
- Physicians
- Agency staff
- Contracted health-care professionals
- Paid trainees
- Students under clinical placements
- Paid companions (paid by the resident, family member or substitute decision-maker).
This definition does not imply or create an employer/employee relationship where none exists, and it is used solely in the context of this policy to clarify that abuse will not be tolerated from any source.
Abuse can take many forms. Seniors Services and Long-Term Care will not condone any resident abuse. The Standards of Employee Conduct, Standard Respect for Others, 6.1 Resident Abuse, clearly defines staff expectations regarding resident abuse.
Abuse is defined as:
“Abuse” of a resident means any action or inaction, misuse of power and/or betrayal of trust or respect by any person against a resident, that the person knew or ought to have known, would cause (or could reasonably be expected to cause) harm to the resident’s health, safety or well-being.
Abuse includes, but is not limited to:
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault
- Emotional Abuse
- Verbal Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Exploitation or a Resident’s Property or Person
- Neglect
- Prohibited Use of Restraints
- Measures Used to Discipline a Resident
Residents have the right to dignity, respect and freedom from abuse and neglect. Seniors Services and Long-Term Care has a zero tolerance for abuse; therefore, abuse will not be tolerated by any person entering the Home and corrective action will be taken in all instances of resident abuse.