Kipling Acres provides individualized care to each of its 337 residents within a safe and friendly environment. Guided by the CARE values – Compassion | Accountability | Respect | Excellence, we are committed to improving quality of life and support for healthy aging.
An important part of its northern Etobicoke community, Kipling Acres has 337 beds, is situated on 10 acres of beautiful property and features:
Kipling Acres offers the following specialized services:
As recognized leaders in behavioural support programs, we have a long history of demonstrated knowledge of dementia, delirium and mental health in the delivery of care.
Staff and medical professionals are knowledgeable in the most prevalent types and related causes of behavioural issues, understand disease processes, stages and progression, diagnostic and assessment process, cognitive or neurological symptoms, treatment interventions, appropriate communication to address resident needs, strategies to promote optimal quality of life and experience of the behaviour(s) from the perspective of the resident, family members and other partners in care.
The short-stay admission program supports families seeking respite from the caregiver role for a period of up to 60 continuous days to a maximum of 90 days per year.
Our inter-professional care team includes doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation assistants, dietitians, social workers and members of the spiritual and religious care community. They will work with you to make sure you get the services you need, when you need them. Quality health and person-centred care will be provided in your room to allow for privacy, rest and comfort. Your care needs will determine your length of stay. The annual, maximum stay time is 90 days.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Toronto Emergency Management leads and facilitates activities related to the City’s ability to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from major emergencies.
We have incorporated the City’s Business Continuity Management and Toronto’s Emergency Plan into an Emergency Management Plan for the City’s directly operated long-term care homes.
Kipling Acres has a structured emergency management process of risk identification, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
The scope of emergency management planning includes a variety of hazardous situations that may occur inside or outside of the long-term care home, such as:
All staff members are trained to respond to these universal codes for emergencies:
In addition, we follow the Incident Management System (ISM) and have a robust Crisis/Disaster Communication Protocol.
For further information, please contact Radu Pana Manager, Facilities Management.
Ranjit Calay, Administrator, Designated Quality Improvement Lead and Chair of Site Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
Elizabeth Juraschka, Divisional Quality Improvement Advisor and Chair of Divisional Quality Council
Priority Areas for 2024-2025
The quality improvement plan (QIP) for 2024/25 and Narrative reflects our commitment to enhancing equity, improving resident and family experience, fostering innovation, integrating palliative care, and aligning with external partners to improve care outcomes.
Quality Improvement Priority Selection Process
The quality improvement priority selection process reflects the collaboration and analysis of statistical data trends, program evaluations, Ministry of Long-Term Care reports, results from the Resident and Family experience survey “Your Opinion Counts”, Ontario Health system level priority areas, and collaborations with healthcare partners. The selection process is a balance between the many opportunities, resources available to support quality improvement work and the significant impact on the quality of care and service that can be achieved. The Quality Improvement Plan is developed through consultation and approved by the Site Continuous Quality Improvement Committee.
Policies, Procedures and Protocols that Guide Continuous Quality Improvement
Seniors Services and Long-Term Care (SSLTC) is committed to the provision of care and service through the application of a quality improvement theory that seeks to meet the needs and improve quality of care and services. Quality improvement policies have been established to guide quality improvement work and are align with the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, Accreditation standards and required organizational practices, Ontario Health requirements, and the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010
Divisional Quality Council, Site Continuous Quality Improvement Committee and Divisional Committee Structures
Structures and accountability are in place to support the commitment to quality improvement which includes, authorization to the General Manager from City Council to certify and approve on behalf of the City, the home’s annual Quality Improvement Plan(s) (QIPs) for submission to Ontario Health.
Seniors Services and Long-Term Care’s integrated quality management framework overseen by the divisional Quality Improvement Advisor considers and acts on opportunities to improve in areas related to strategic direction, quality improvement, risk management, and safety culture.
At a site level, the General Manager has delegated day-to-day operational accountability for quality improvement and risk management outcomes and innovation to the Administrator of each home.
The terms of reference of each committee reflects legislative requirements of membership and accountability.
Resident and Family Survey
The advice of Residents’ Council and Family Council was sought in developing and carrying out the annual Your Opinion Counts Survey which was administered in September 2023.
The results were presented to Residents’ Council and Family Council in January 2024 and advice was sought in the development of the Quality Improvement Plan. Updates on the plan and projects will be provided throughout the year as requested by the chairs of these committees.
Communication and Record of Quality Improvement Work
A comprehensive communication strategy supports quality improvement work within the long-term care home and at the division level. The actions enable the home to broadly communicate annual Quality Improvement Plans, the results of quality improvement activities to senior management, residents/clients, caregivers, families, staff and volunteers. A central part of the communication strategy is to seek advice if any from Residents’ Council and Family Council and make improvements as appropriate to care and services.
Communication strategies are in place to share Your Opinion Count results and included the following:
Progress Report is prepared annually, identifying improvements achieved, changes implemented and opportunities for improvement.
The on-site Adult Day Program provides an opportunity to take part in a variety of health promotion programs, and to develop new friendships and interests. Seniors enjoy a variety of recreational and therapeutic activities, along with lunch and snacks. This program provides much-needed respite for many family members and other caregivers who are coping with the stress of caring for people with Alzheimer disease and other cognitive or physical disabilities.
Families are an integral part in helping make the best decisions for their family member. We offer many opportunities for families to be involved:
For further information or to schedule a personal tour, please call 416-392-2300.
Please note in the video below, semi-private and private rooms are mentioned, however, we also offer basic accommodation.