By the spring of 1945, weariness with the war was palpable. More than one million Canadians had served in the armed forces, with 42,000 killed and tens of thousands more wounded or interned in prisoner of war camps. An early report of German surrender on April 28 was incorrect, but it set up an expectation of victory and a hope for peace. Finally, when the confirmation of Germany’s surrender was released on May 7, people in Toronto were ready for a celebration.


VE Day Proclamation
City of Toronto V-E Day proclamation
May 8, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 49, Item 1
VE Day Proclamation
City of Toronto V-E Day proclamation
May 8, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 49, Item 1


Photograph of people reading newspapers
Newspaper headline: Germany surrenders
Photographer: Photographic Arts
May 7, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 102, Item 2
People celebrating in street
Parade on Yonge Street celebrating the victory in Europe
Photographer: Photographic Arts
May 7, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 102, Item 1
Street celebrations
Group celebrating the victory in Europe
Photographer: John Boyd jnr.
May 7, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 96245
Women celebrating VE Day
Women on Bay Street celebrating the victory in Europe
Photographer: John Boyd jnr.
May 7, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 1057, Item 2247


In addition to being happy, Torontonians were also profoundly grateful to all of those who had given their lives fighting for freedom from Axis tyranny. It is very moving to think of 20,000 people gathering to give thanks and to pray for a better world.


Veteran's Parade
Colour party of Civic Employees’ War Veterans’ Association – thanksgiving service at City Hall
May 8, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 8, File 309, Item 10, pg.9
RCAF Women's Division parade
Detachment of Women’s Division, RCAF – thanksgiving service at City Hall
August 15, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 8, File 309, Item 10, pg.19
Crowd outside Toronto City Hall
Crowd in front of City Hall for thanksgiving service
May 8, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 8, File 309, Item 10, pg.10
Service by Toronto City Hall cenotaph
V-J Day celebrations – service in front of City Hall
August 15, 1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 8, File 309, Item 10, pg.3

You may also be interested in:

V-E Day and V-J Day: The End of World War II in Toronto, 1945

Toronto Remembers the Home Front, 1939-45

Toronto Remembers D-Day, June 6, 1944

Armistice Day in Toronto

Pilgrimage to Vimy


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