Service Description

Building Permit for construction of a new basement entrance.

Service Outcome

Building Permit

All drawings to be drawn on standardized sized sheets, drawn to scale, fully dimensioned, signed and dated.

If drawings were prepared by a qualified designer (as defined under Div. C, Part 3, Section 3.2 of the Ontario Building Code), drawings must include the designer’s name, registration number, qualification identification number, signature, and stamp/statement that the person has reviewed and taken responsibility for the design activities.

All drawings, reports, and forms, including the completed Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish, must be provided in a PDF format.

Site Plan

  • Survey or site plan showing property lines, lot area, right-of-way or easements (referenced to a current survey)
  • Location of existing/proposed buildings with overall dimensions and include setback dimensions to property lines and adjacent buildings.
  • Summary of permitted and proposed zoning provisions to include lot area, building area (GFA), coverage and grade elevations to confirm height.
  • Indicate dimensioned parking areas, driveways, hard and soft landscape treatments, accessory structures (sheds, decks, detached garages, etc).

Basement / Foundation Plans for Underpinning

  • Provide existing/proposed construction with foundation and exterior wall information, showing locations of proposed underpinning, locations of any support columns and structural framing above
  • Show the extent of proposed underpinning work adjacent to the proposed basement entrance, with the stages of underpinning numbered to show sequence of work.
  • Where applicable, show distance to foundations of adjacent buildings, including depth of the footings of the adjacent building. Where the proposed underpinned foundation is to be constructed below the level of the footings of the adjacent building and within the angle of repose of the soil, the underpinning and related construction must be designed by a Professional Engineer.

Floor Plans

  • Provide existing/proposed construction with foundation and exterior wall information


  • Cross section(s) to show existing/proposed building construction and specifications of all floor, wall and roof assemblies.
  • Provide footing and foundation wall details including height of exterior grade above basement floor and exterior landing at base of stair
  • Detail stairs, landings, guards and handrails.

Construction Details and Notes

  • Building materials and specifications of all wall, floor and roof assemblies with typical wall section and typical roof detail.
  • Provide guard details including connection detail.

Application to Construct or Demolish Form

Building permit application form required for all submissions


Schedule 1: Designer Information Form

Required for all designers, except Engineers and Architects when applying for any Construction Permit. Property Owners, if exempted, from Qualification / Certification, they must fill-in the form to specify the reason for exemption.


Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineer

Professional design and field review is required where the foundations of a of a building are to be constructed below the level of the footings of an adjacent building and within the angle of repose of the soil, or the underpinning exceeds 1200 mm of Laterally unsupported height, or the soil is clay or silt. This Commitment form must be signed by the owner or agent and the professional architect, engineer, or consultant.


Tree Declaration Form

Required for all projects where there is a potential for damage to private or City trees. Applicant is also responsible to comply with other tree protection bylaws.

To submit an application by email please use the ‘Email’ button on top of the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish.

Detailed steps for the email submission process are also available to assist in making your application.

Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2024
Underpinning $11.43/linear metre


Minimum fee of $198.59 (2024) shall be charged for all work.

Protect Your Privacy

Please DO NOT include any personal information on your Building Plans (e.g., the homeowner’s name or phone number). Building Plans submitted for Permit are subject to public disclosure in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).