Please note that training for new 3Rs Ambassadors is currently being offered online. Those eligible to participate in the program are encouraged to submit a volunteer application after which City staff will follow up within 10 business days.

The 3Rs Ambassador Program is one of a suite of ReduceWasteTO programs supporting the City’s Long Term Waste Management Strategy. This program engages volunteers in apartments, condos and co-ops to help promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). Ambassadors can tailor programs to suit their building and other residents. The long-term goal is to have at least one 3Rs Ambassador in each apartment, condo and co-op building. Becoming a 3Rs Ambassador is a great way to:
  • help the City increase waste diversion and reduce recycling contamination in multi-residential buildings
  • help reduce environmental impacts
  • reduce your building’s garbage costs
  • get to know your neighbours
  • meet people who are passionate about waste management
  • earn volunteer hours (10 hours/month is recommended but not required)

For more information on the program, contact Program staff:


Telephone: 416-338-1882

Volunteers must:

  • live in an apartment, condo or co-op in Toronto that has nine units or more and receives waste collection service from the City of Toronto. To determine if your building receives waste collection service from the City of Toronto, ask your property manager or contact 311.
  • be 16 years of age or older (those 14 or 15 years old are eligible with their parent/guardian’s permission)

If you meet the eligibility criteria you need to:

  1. Get the support of your building manager and/or superintendent to participate in the Program and their agreement to assist on an ongoing basis
  2. Complete an application form
  3. Complete an informal 10-15 minute phone interview
  4. Attend two two-hour (Part 1 and Part 2) training sessions

After completing the training, 3Rs Ambassadors can educate and engage building residents in various ways, such as:

  • putting up posters in common areas (e.g. lobby, chute room, elevator, hallway, laundry room) or arranging for 3Rs information to be shown on lobby/elevator screens
  • sharing information in building communications (e.g. newsletters, building group on social media)
  • preparing waste information welcome packages and offering tours for new residents
  • setting up a lobby display or information table
  • setting up bins for the collection of items like batteries and electronics
  • setting up and maintaining an area/shelf for items to be reused/shared/borrowed
  • organizing events, e.g. waste reduction challenges, waste diversion activities/games, trivia nights, swaps

Note: Some activities may need to be approved by the building manager and/or superintendent.

The City will support 3Rs Ambassador Volunteers by providing:

  • training on relevant waste management information, 3Rs opportunities in multi-residential buildings and effective communication
  • free posters, guides, stickers, etc.
  • regular communications on waste reduction, reuse and recycling
  • opportunities to meet other 3Rs Ambassadors and share knowledge
  • assistance with activity planning, questions or concerns

Unless otherwise stated, training sessions for the 3Rs Ambassador Program are being conducted online.

Details about how to join the training will be provided to selected applicants. Two training sessions must be fully completed (Part 1 and Part 2 – any dates) before Ambassadors can start education and outreach activities.

Part 1:

Tuesday, August 27, 2-4 p.m.

Tuesday, September 24, 7-9 p.m.

Tuesday, October 22, 2-4 p.m.

Part 2:

Thursday, August 29, 2-4 p.m.

Thursday, September 26, 7-9 p.m.

Thursday, October 24, 2-4 p.m.

Educational resources and posters that provide information on how to properly sort and dispose of waste, as well as ways to reduce waste, are available to download and print. Printed copies may also be requested.