Use this form to order bins if your Multi-Residential building has curbside collection.


The 2025 interim fees outlined below were approved by City Council on December 17, 2024. The interim fees are effective January 1, 2025.

Volume (yd³) Base Rate
(per unit/year)
(per unit/year)
Net Rate
(per unit/year)
Un-compacted 1.917 $251.55 $185.00 $66.55 $17.46
Compacted 0.9585 $251.55 $185.00 $66.55 $34.92


Fees are based on the overall volume of garbage, with different rates applicable for compacted versus un-compacted garbage. The fee includes collection of recycling, organics, electronics, yard waste and household hazardous waste. Any amount over the base rate is considered excess and the building will be charged an excess fee per cubic yard.

2025 Fee Estimate Calculator

Please note: the spreadsheet may not display correctly if opened in Google Sheets.

Garbage Tag $6.56 each

Excess garbage beyond what fits in the bin with the lid closed, must be bagged, tagged and set out beside the Garbage Bin for collection.

Garbage Tags can be purchased online or at Toronto Canadian Tire stores.

Customer Type Material Annual Rate (per unit)
All Residential (Single-Family Homes and Multi-Residential) Oversized items that do not fit in garbage bag or bin $22.39

This is an annual fee for the collection of oversized and metal items for each single-family home and multi-residential unit, regardless of whether the service is used.

Customer Type Collection Type Rate
Multi-Residential Front-End and Multi-Residential Curbside 95 gallon garbage bin $128.05
95 gallon recycling bin $128.05
35 gallon organics bin $82.87

Curbside Collection

  • Place bins as close to the street as possible and 0.5 metres (two feet) apart
  • Ensure bins are clearly visible and accessible
  • Never put bins behind or on snow banks

Front-End Collection

  • Place containers in the appropriate direction at the designated collection point
  • Ensure bins are clearly visible and accessible
  • Make sure wheels are locked
  • Keep collection area clear of snow and ice

Set Out Time

Curbside Collection: Place items at curbside before 7 a.m.

Front-End Collection: Place items at collection point before 7 a.m. and open and secure service gates.