City Council has approved changes to Martin Grove Road south of Eglinton Avenue West and at Burnhamthorpe Road. A copy of the staff report is available under IEC agenda item IE 31.12.
The City of Toronto is developing new cycling connections for existing on-street and off-street bikeways along Martin Grove Road between Eglinton Avenue West and the Kipling TTC and GO stations at Dundas Street West. Cycling connections will be installed in phases and includes opportunities to improve safety for pedestrians, people cycling and people driving.

The project area includes cycling connections along Martin Grove Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dundas Street West. Potential improvements for pedestrians, people cycling and people driving along Martin Grove Road include:

  • Intersection improvements that include a dedicated safe space for pedestrians and people cycling, turn lanes and bus stop improvements at Eglinton Avenue West, Winterton Drive, Burnhamthorpe Road, and Bloor Street West / Wilmar Road
  • A cycling connection from Eglinton Avenue West to south of Winterton Drive
  • Improved trail connection to Ravencrest Park and West Deane Trail system
  • A multi-use trail through Wedgewood Park
  • Neighbourhood bikeways between Burnhamthorpe Road and Dundas Street West, facilitating access to the Kipling TTC


In 2021, City Council approved bike lanes from Rathburn Road to approximately 100 meters north of Burnhamthorpe Road.

In December 2021, City Council adopted  IEC Agenda Item IE26.9, endorsing the new bikeway projects contained in the Cycling Network Near-Term Implementation Plan (2022 – 2024) which recommended an additional project to close the network gaps on Martin Grove Road.

The project is informed by City of Toronto policies and guidelines including the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, Complete Streets and TransformTO; Toronto’s Climate Action Strategy.

More information is included in the project presentation.

Eglinton Avenue West to Winterton Drive

  • Uni-directional cycle tracks, along Martin Grove Road with improved bus stops and accessibility elements
  • A protected intersection at Martin Grove Road and Eglinton Avenue West
  • Existing motor vehicle lanes are maintained, but narrowed to accommodate changes

Burnhamthorpe Road Intersection

  • New bicycle lanes from 92 m north of Burnhamthorpe Road to 50 m south Burnhamthorpe Road to connect with the existing bicycle lanes on Martin Grove Road from Rathburn Road
  • The removal of the parking lay-by on the west side of Martin Grove Road, north of Burnhamthorpe Road
  • Relocation of the northside westbound TTC bus stop form the west side of Martin Grove Road to the east side of Martin Grove Road, including the removal of the bus-bay, replacing it with green infrastructure
  • New curb extensions on the northwest corner to provide additional space for pedestrians
  • Burnhamthorpe Road to Wedgewood Park
  • Wedgewood Park to Bloor Street West including a connection through Wedgewood Park
  • Bloor Street West to Dundas Street West, including Bloor Street intersection improvements

Public consultation took place between April 24 and May 18, 2022, including stakeholder engagement, an online survey, and a virtual public meeting.

Project Materials

Next Steps

  • Approved changes are currently being scheduled for implementation.
  • Transportation Services is actively working with Metrolinx to coordinate and incorporate changes to Martin Grove Road, between Eglinton Avenue West and Winterton Drive, into the Eglinton West LRT construction expected between 2025 and 2030.