The Sheppard Avenue East Complete Street project aims to make travel on the street safer, more inviting and attractive for people driving, cycling, walking, and taking transit. The project provides road safety improvements, cycle tracks and public realm upgrades to meet Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and Climate Change Action Plan goals. The project was approved by City Council on June 14, 2023 (IE4.3) for the segment from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street and on April 6, 2022 for the segments on Sheppard Avenue East from Bonnington Place to Bayview Avenue, and Willowdale Avenue from Empress Avenue to Sheppard Avenue East.

March 2024: The City of Toronto notified residents that the planned resurfacing, cycle tracks, and other improvements along Sheppard Avenue East from Bonnington Place to Bayview Avenue is proceeding with a start date of April 2024 and a projected end date of November 2024. A construction notice was sent to residents.

November 2023: Due to delays encountered with the tender and award process, the construction start was deferred to Spring 2024. A deferral notice was sent to residents.

June 2023: The City of Toronto sent a pre-construction notice to residents regarding the commencement of planned resurfacing of Sheppard Avenue East from Bonnington Place to Bayview Avenue, along with installing cycle tracks on both sides of Sheppard Avenue East, which will require the removal of the centre turn lane between Kenneth Avenue and Wilfred Avenue.

    Below is a map of projects in this area. Phase 1 of public consultation included Sheppard Avenue East from Bonnington Place to Leslie Street and Willowdale Avenue from Empress Avenue to Sheppard Avenue East. Phase 2 of public consultation focused on Sheppard Avenue East from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street.

    Map of the Project Area is Sheppard Avenue East from Bonnington Place to Leslie Street and Willowdale Avenue from Empress Avenue to Sheppard Avenue. If you require more assistance please contact Aadila Valiallah at or 416-338-2985.

    Improvements will be implemented in stages:

    1. Sheppard Avenue East, from Bonnington Avenue to Bayview Avenue: road resurfacing programmed in 2023-2024 (approved and under construction)
    2. Sheppard Avenue East, from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street: road reconstruction programmed in 2025-2026 (approved and in detailed design)
    3. Willowdale Avenue, from Empress Avenue to Sheppard Avenue: cycle track extension completed in fall 2022 (approved and now installed)

      City Council approved the installation of the Sheppard Avenue East Complete Street, including road safety improvements, cycle tracks, and public realm upgrades on Sheppard Avenue East between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street, in June 2023. Road reconstruction is planned for 2025-2026.

      Why are Changes Planned on Sheppard Avenue East?

      The City of Toronto is planning changes on this section of Sheppard Avenue East because:

      • The road is in poor condition and is being programmed for a state of good repair road reconstruction, which creates an opportunity to redesign the street for safety and public realm improvements.
      • A road reconstruction is the most cost-effective opportunity to make improvements to the corridor.
      • This section provides a vital connection and link to destinations between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street.
      • There is increased transportation demands due to development and growth in the area.

      Planned Changes

      The following changes are planned along Sheppard Avenue East from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street:

      • Reallocation of some vehicular lanes and narrowed lane widths to improve safety.
      • Intersection improvements, including protected intersection elements at signalized intersections.
      • Widened sidewalks and enhanced crossings to improve the experience of people walking and to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
      • New transit stop features, including accessible bus stops, new transit shelters and seating areas.
      • Raised uni-directional (one-way) cycle tracks on the north and south side of the road.
      • New plantings and green infrastructure.

      Map of segments of project as described below


      Segment 1: Bayview Avenue to Rean Drive/Hawksbury Drive

      Planned changes in this segment include:

      • Repurposed westbound motor vehicle lane west of Bayview Avenue to introduce cycle tracks.
      • Repurposed motor vehicle lane east of Bayview Avenue to create space for wider sidewalks, cycle tracks and trees.
      • Installation of a centre median with trees at key locations.
      • Installation of a new sidewalk on Barberry Place.

      Segment 2: Rean Drive/Hawksbury Drive to Burbank Drive/Bessarion Road

      Planned changes in this segment include:

      • Installation of planted curb extensions for enhanced tree canopy.
      • On-street parking spaces will remain in front of 650 Sheppard Avenue East. However, there is a reduction of underutilized parking spaces (the number of spaces will be reduced from 14 spaces to 8 spaces) for the purpose of tree planting.
      • On-street parking spaces (3) will be removed in front of 784 Sheppard Avenue East. Parking will remain at existing nearby off-street locations, or in an underground parking garage at this site.
      • Installation of a landscaped boulevard between vehicle travel lanes and cycle tracks.
      • Existing centre-left turn lane will be remain.

      Segment 3: Burbank Drive/Bessarion Road to Ambrose Road/Provost Drive

      Planned changes in this segment include:

      • Maximized buffer and improved boulevard landscape between cycle tracks and the road with attention to reducing tree impacts.
      • Existing centre left turn lane will remain west of Ambrose Road/Provost Drive.

      Segment 4: Ambrose Road/Provost Drive to Leslie Street

      Planned changes in this segment include:

      • Reduced vehicle travel lanes from three to two vehicular travel lanes in each direction to accommodate the cycle tracks through the underpass.
      • Improved trail connections to the East Don Parkland for pedestrians and people cycling.

      City Council approved the installation of the Sheppard Avenue East Complete Street from Bonnington Place to Bayview Avenue and Willowdale Avenue extension from Sheppard Avenue East to Empress Avenue, including road safety improvements, cycle tracks, and public realm upgrades in April 2022. The proposed design was discussed at the Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC) on April 6 and 7, 2022. A copy of the approved projects can be viewed under IEC agenda item IE28.7.

      The City is resurfacing the road on Sheppard Avenue East, from Bonnington Place to Bayview Avenue. The resurfacing involves replacing the asphalt surface within existing curbs and provides an opportunity to improve safety and operations.

      What you can expect:

      • Minimum of two vehicle lanes maintained per direction
      • Dedicated turn lanes and improved signal phasing changes for left turns at signalized intersections
      • Dedicated turn lanes at mid-block non-signalized intersections where possible
      • Upgrade traffic and pedestrian signals to be accessible and maximize pedestrian safety and traffic flow
      • Tighter corners at intersections for safer turns and better visibility
      • Accessible platforms at TTC stops where possible
      • New raised cycle tracks along Sheppard Avenue East as part of the Major City-Wide Cycling Route
      • Options to retain or remove on-street parking
      • Widening of sidewalks where they are undersized
      • Green infrastructure and improved storm water draining where possible (e.g., trees, planted swales)
      A cross section diagram shows one lane of motor vehicle traffic in each direction, with cycle tracks with painted buffers on each side, and sidewalks.
      Diagram of Willowdale Avenue cross section, featuring cycle tracks with painted buffers.

      In November 2022, the City extended the existing Willowdale Avenue cycle tracks, which are located between Bishop Avenue to Empress Avenue, further south to just north of Sheppard Avenue East.

      The changes include:

      • Cycle tracks with painted buffers added on both sides of Willowdale Avenue between Empress Avenue and Maplehurst Avenue
      • Removal of left turn lanes at Spring Garden Avenue
      • Removal of all existing parking on both sides of Willowdale Avenue between Empress Avenue and Maplehurst Avenue
      • Removal of Toronto Parking Authority parking on the east side of Willowdale Avenue between Hollywood Avenue and Maplehurst Avenue
      • New on-street parking opportunities on the south side of Hollywood Avenue and the north side of Greenfield Avenue just east of Willowdale Avenue

      This segment has now been installed.


      The part of a street that is not used for vehicle travel, and is between the roadway and the sidewalk.

      Image of Boulevard. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at


      The strip of land between the lanes of opposing traffic on a divided roadway.

      Image of Median. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Transit Stops

      The location of transit stops is generally guided by the safety and comfort of transit users, spacing between stops and nearby intersections and land uses.

      Please contact Image of accessible transit stop. Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Curb Radii Reduction

      Reduced curb radii reduce pedestrian crossing distances and encourage lower motor vehicle speeds.

      Image of Curb Radii Reduction. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Truck Aprons

      These allow large vehicles to navigate the curb without striking fixed objects or other road users, while creating slower turns for smaller vehicles.

      Picture of Truck Aprons. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Raised Cycle Track

      Vertically separated from motor vehicle traffic, and may be at the level of the adjacent sidewalk or combined with a parking lane or other barrier from the roadway.

      Picture of Raised Cycle Track. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Street-Level Cycle Track and Bollards Mounted on Curbs

      Cycle tracks are physically separated from motor vehicle traffic by curbs or bollards, but at the same level as the road.

      Picture of Street level cycle track bollards mounted on curbs. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Protected Intersection

      A protected intersection is a design where the bikeway remains separated, where enhanced measures mitigate the conflict between people cycling, people walking and drivers turning

      Image of protected intersection. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Green Infrastructure

      Green infrastructure allows for runoff water from the street to be naturally filtered and slowed down before entering the sewer system

      Image of Green Infrastructure. Please contact Aadila Valiallah for more information at

      Sheppard Avenue East is in need of road resurfacing and reconstruction due to the poor condition of the road. In Toronto, roads are resurfaced every 25 to 35 years and reconstructed every 50-100 years presenting a unique once-in-a-generation or lifetime opportunity for the City to improve the design of the street with consideration to updated policies and design guidelines, as well as future needs of the community.

      The primary focus of road resurfacing and reconstruction is to repair or replace damaged sections of the road, curb, and sidewalk which have deteriorated over time. This project includes options to improve safety and operations at intersections, install new cycle tracks, widen sidewalks, and where possible include new trees and green infrastructure. The extension of the Willowdale Avenue cycle track will be combined with this work. The City is focused on improving the transportation experience for people walking, cycling, taking transit and driving, and meeting the City’s road safety and climate targets.

      The planned road safety and cycling improvements on Sheppard Avenue East and Willowdale Avenue are informed by the following policies and guidelines:

      The Cycling Network Plan identifies the entire length of Sheppard Avenue as a designated Major City-Wide Cycling Route. Major City-Wide Cycling Routes are significant corridors that cross Toronto from east to west and north to south, where high-quality bikeways are planned to create a connected network.

      Need assistance? While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this page. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings or any other content, please contact us at