Currently the creation of new Senior Safety zones is on pause while staff review and evaluate the existing Senior Safety Zones. This evaluation of the program will provide us with future recommendations for enhancing safety for seniors.
A Senior Safety Zone is a designated stretch of roadway which includes senior safety zone signs and a variety of measures such as increased crossing times, improved pavement markings, among other possible improvements.
Currently staff are focusing on improving existing Senior Safety Zones prior to identifying additional locations. The improvements in these areas include:
- Implementing enhanced pavement markings and signage to raise awareness of the older adult population;
- Analysis of pedestrian crossing times at traffic signals to ensure that the lower speed of older adults crossing is accounted for in signal timings; and
- Conducting In-Service Road Safety Reviews to identify potential short term and long term improvements including identification of interim or permanent road design improvements.
Installations (2016 - Year-to-Date)
Fatalities & Seriously Injured ()
Fatalities by Road User
Seriously Injured by Road User