Registration to volunteer for the Residents’ Reference Panel on Inclusive Climate Action is now closed. Recommendations from the panel will be published as soon as available.


The City of Toronto is forming a reference panel so that residents who represent the diversity of the city have a hand in shaping how Toronto can reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions while also fostering a livable and resilient city where everyone has access to benefits such as better buildings and good job opportunities.

The Reference Panel on Inclusive Climate Action will recommend how existing or future climate-related programs, policies, supports and incentives offered by the City can be more aligned with community values and inclusive for all residents of Toronto. A total of 36 residents will be selected to sit on the panel from the applications received.

If you have any questions about the Toronto Residents’ Reference Panel on Inclusive Climate Action, call us at 1-833-319-1942.

About the Panel

A Residents’ Reference Panel is a group of randomly selected people tasked with closely examining an issue or policy and making consensus recommendations to governments and public agencies that reflect the concerns and priorities of the community. There have been over 50 Reference Panels held across Canada over the last 10 years. Reference Panels are well-suited to examining complex issues because they provide residents with the opportunity to learn, discuss and find consensus between people with different perspectives and from different backgrounds.

As a member of this panel, you will meet and work with 35 other Torontonians from across the city. Together, you will:

  • Learn about what the City of Toronto has been doing to address climate change, from policy to community initiatives, and what still needs to be done;
  • Examine the barriers that may prevent widespread uptake of various climate actions;
  • Identify community priorities and values that connect with the City’s climate targets and its vision for a prosperous, affordable, and resilient city.
  • Provide input on how the City’s existing or future programs, policies, supports and incentives might help residents like you benefit from climate actions;
  • Make recommendations on how the City of Toronto can mitigate potential harms or stresses to residents and businesses.

In 2019, the City hosted the TransformTO Reference Panel on Climate Action.