Interested in taking action on climate change, but not sure where to start? Our team can help!

The climate emergency requires urgent action. All Toronto residents, communities and businesses can do their part. Meeting our targets will require big changes in how we live, work, build, travel and more.

In addition to doing all that we can to reduce emissions from our homes and buildings, transportation and waste, there are many other actions we can take to improve our environment. In this section, you’ll find information and a variety of tips to help you green your life. Let’s #TransformTO together!

Net Zero Homes & Buildings

Find funding, expertise and support to help improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Low Carbon Transportation

Learn about the importance of low carbon transportation options.

How to Buy and Grow Local Food

Find tips on how to buy local, grow food in the city and reduce waste.

Preparing for Extreme Weather

Know the risks and take action to improve your resilience.

Helping Bees & Native Pollinators

Tips on how to create a pollinator friendly garden.

Reducing the Use of Road Salt

Tips to prevent road salt from harming wildlife and contaminating drinking water.


Get involved with community events.

Volunteering and Community

Opportunities to learn about environmental issues, meet new people, and help make Toronto a greener place to live.