Water produced at the City’s drinking water treatment plants does not contain lead. Lead can be found in:
As these items corrode and breakdown, lead can enter drinking water.
Apartment and other buildings with more than six units do not have lead pipes, regardless of age. Lead is too soft to handle the pressure needed for these types of buildings.
Lead can affect how the brain and nervous system grows. According to Toronto Public Health, those most at risk include:
Toronto Public Health strongly recommends replacing your side of the lead service pipe at the same time that the City is replacing its side. For options, see section below called What to Do if you Have Lead Pipes. Cutting the pipe to replace just one portion can cause particles of lead to enter drinking water, which can lead to a temporary spike in lead levels.
In 2014, the City began adding phosphate to the drinking water treatment process. Corrosion control is mandated and approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). It is the treatment, or the addition, of phosphate to the drinking water process. Phosphate forms a protective coating inside all pipes and household plumbing fixtures, which helps to reduce the potential for lead to enter tap water. Ongoing regulated tap water test results show lower lead levels compared with the lead levels measured prior to initiating corrosion control treatment. Learn more about the City’s Corrosion Control Plan.
In 2011, Toronto City Council approved the Lead in Drinking Water Mitigation Strategy, a multi-pronged approach aimed at protecting public health by reducing lead in drinking water. Read the latest annual update on the City’s Lead in Drinking Water Mitigation Strategy.
The water service pipe delivers water into a building. This pipe is divided into two parts.
Lead pipes affect residential homes. There are approximately 450,000 residential customers in the City of Toronto. Of these, it is estimated that slightly more than 22,000 contain City-owned lead water service pipes.
A licensed plumber is the best way to determine if your water service pipe is lead. They will likely need to enter your basement to make a visual inspection of the pipe entering your home near the water meter.
The City also offers free lead testing to help determine if you have lead in your water.
Toronto Public Health recommends those with lead pipes take the following actions:
It is recommended that the City replace the City owned portion of the pipe, and the resident replace the private owned portion at the same time. Cutting the pipe to replace just one side can cause particles of lead to enter drinking water, which can cause a temporary spike in lead levels. Residents who commit to replacing their side of the pipe can apply to have the City replace its side through the Priority Lead Water Service Replacement Program.
If it has been a few hours since you have used water, run the cold water tap for at least 5 minutes. This will pull fresh water from the watermain into the pipes.
Lead in pipes moves more readily into hot water than into cold water. Cold water is less likely to contain lead, even after flushing the pipes.
Look for filters certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for lead removal and reduction.
You can install an end-of-tap filter on the tap you use most often for cooking or for water to drink. The City offers a faucet filter rebate to eligible homeowners.
You can also use a pitcher-style filter.
If you have a baby at home and are breastfeeding, continue to breastfeed your baby. The amount of lead in breast milk is much lower than in tap water if you have a lead service pipe. If you are feeding your baby formula, use cold filtered tap water. Until you have a filter, consider using bottled water for making baby formula, or ready-to-feed formula.
In 2011, Toronto City Council approved the Lead in Drinking Water Mitigation Strategy, a multi-pronged approach aimed at protecting public health by reducing lead in drinking water. Components of the strategy include:
Homeowners in Toronto can submit a drinking water sample to be tested for lead levels free of charge at one of Toronto Water’s accredited labs. Find out how to get a lead testing kit and how it works.
The City has enhanced its drinking water treatment process to add phosphate, which forms a protective coating inside all pipes and reduces the contact between drinking water and lead surfaces. Learn more about the City’s Corrosion Control Plan.
Each year, the City replaces water services pipes through the programs listed below. Many of these pipes will be lead.
The City provides a free faucet filter for lead removal to homeowners whenever the City-owned portion of a lead water service is replaced. Toronto Public Health also distributes free filters to participants of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program.
Residents that have lead pipes can apply for a rebate to help purchase an NSF-053 certified filter for lead removal and/or replacement cartridges if they meet all of the following criteria: