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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The web version of this by-law does not include highlighting to reflect the regulations that remain under appeal as a result of appeals to the By-law as adopted on May 9, 2013. Please review the PDF version of the office consolidation for regulations that remain under appeal.
The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
600.5General Regulations Applying to Overlay District
600.10Building Setback Overlay District Map
600.20Priority Retail Streets Overlay Map
600.20.10Priority Retail Streets Overlay District "A"
600.20.15Transition: Priority Retail Streets
600.20.15.1Transition: Building Permit Applications
600.20.15.2Transition: Zoning By-law Amendment
600.20.15.3Transition: Minor Variance Applications
600.30Inclusionary Zoning
600.50Community Overlay District Maps
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 600 Regulations for Overlay Zones

600.20 Priority Retail Streets Overlay Map

600.20.10 Priority Retail Streets Overlay District "A"

(1)District "A" Priority Retail Street
On a lot in the CR, CRE, I or IH zone, which abuts a street identified as a priority retail street on the Priority Retail Streets Overlay Map:
(A)The first storey of a mixed-use building or non-residential building must provide a minimum of 60 percent of the lot frontage abutting the priority retail street for one or more of the following uses, provided that any use must be otherwise permitted on that lot by this By-law:

Ambulance Depot
Art Gallery
Artist Studio
Automated Banking Machine
Community Centre
Custom Workshop
Day Nursery
Eating Establishment
Education Use
Entertainment Place of Assembly
Financial Institution
Fire Hall
Massage therapy
Medical Office
Performing Arts Studio
Personal Service Shop
Pet Services
Place of Assembly
Place of Worship
Police Station
Post-Secondary School
Private School
Production Studio
Public School
Recreation Use
Retail Service
Retail Store
Service Shop
Sports Place of Assembly
Take-out Eating Establishment
Veterinary Hospital
Wellness centre
(B)A cumulative maximum of 15.0 metres of lot frontage for the following uses may be used for the purpose of meeting the requirement of Regulation (A) above;

Ambulance Depot
Art Gallery
Automated Banking Machine
Community Centre
Education Use
Entertainment Place of Assembly
Financial Institution
Fire Hall
Massage therapy
Medical Office
Performing Arts Studio
Place of Assembly
Place of Worship
Police Station
Post-Secondary School
Private School
Production Studio
Public School
Recreation Use
Sports Place of Assembly
Veterinary Hospital
Wellness centre
(C)Each use provided in accordance with regulation (A) above, must have a main pedestrian entrance:
(i)located parallel to and within 5.0 metres of the lot line abutting the priority retail street; and
(ii)within 0.2 metres of the ground measured at the lot line abutting the street directly opposite the entrance;
(D)For each use provided in accordance with regulation (A) above, a minimum of 60 percent of the surface area of the main wall of the first storey facing the priority retail street must be windows or doors; and
(E)Regulation (D) above, does not apply to a building which is also a heritage site. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
(2)Lawfully Existing Buildings
(A)If a lawfully existing building contains lawful uses on the first storey and does not satisfy the requirements of Regulations 600.20.10(1)(A) or (1)(B), those lawful uses are deemed to satisfy the requirements of Regulations 600.20.10 1)(A) and (1)(B);
(B)Any addition, extension or change of use on the first storey of a lawfully existing building must comply with Regulations 600.20.10(1)(A) and (1)(B) or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance;
(C)If a lawful main pedestrian entrance of a lawfully existing building is not located in accordance with Regulation 600.20.10(1)(C), that lawful main pedestrian entrance location is deemed to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 600.20.10(1)(C);
(D)Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building, that abuts a street identified as a priority retail street on the Priority Retail Streets Overlay Map, and which requires a new main pedestrian entrance must comply with Regulation 600.20.10(1)(C) or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance; and
(E)If a lawful main wall of a lawfully existing building has a minimum surface area of windows and doors which is less than the minimum surface area required by Regulation 600.20.10(1)(D), that lawful main wall is deemed to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 600.20.10(1)(D). [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
(3)Building Types Exempt from Complying
None of the provisions of Article 600.20.10 Priority Retail Street Overlay District "A" apply to a building originally constructed as a detached house, semi-detached house, duplex, triplex, fourplex, or townhouse. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]

600.20.15 Transition: Priority Retail Streets

600.20.15.1 Transition: Building Permit Applications

(1)Building Permit Applications
Nothing in Article 600.20.10 will prevent the erection or use of a building or structure for which an application for a building permit was filed on or prior to June 5, 2019. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
(2)Building Permit Applications
For the purposes of regulation 600.20.15.1 (1), an "application for a building permit" means an application for a building permit that satisfies the requirements set out in Article I, Building Permits of Chapter 363, Building Construction and Demolition of the City of Toronto Municipal Code. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]

600.20.15.2 Transition: Zoning By-law Amendment

(1)Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
Nothing in Article 600.20.10 will prevent the erection or use of a building or structure, for which a complete application for a zoning by-law amendment was filed on or prior to June 5, 2019. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
(2)Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
For the purposes of regulation 600.20.15.2(1), a "complete application for a zoning by-law amendment" means an application which satisfies the requirements set out in the City of Toronto Official Plan Policy 5.5.2. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]

600.20.15.3 Transition: Minor Variance Applications

(1)Minor Variance Applications
Nothing in in Article 600.20.10 will prevent the erection or use of a building or structure, for which:
(A)A complete application for a minor variance under Section 45 of the Planning Act was filed on or prior to June 5, 2019; or
(B)A complete application for a minor variance under Section 45 of the Planning Act was filed after to June 5, 2019 based on a building permit referred to in regulation 600.20.15.1(1). [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
(2)Minor Variance Applications
For the purposes of regulation 600.20.15.3(1), a "complete application for a minor variance" means an application which satisfies the requirements of Section 2 of Ontario Regulation 200/96 (Minor Variance Applications) under the Planning Act. [ By-law: 1682-2019 ]
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