Search the Archives’ database for records and information.


The Archives holds a wide variety of records that may help you in your research.

We have government records, which include Council minutes, departmental files and reports, and non-government records, which includes photographs, letters and architectural plans.

Our database is a good place to start your search.

See below for an overview of what we have.


The Archives has 1.25 million photographs, dating from 1856. Here are some highlights.


The City of Toronto Archives has over 10,000 maps and aerial photographs in its collection.

City Directories

City directories give the name and occupation of the "head of the household" at an address in a given year.

Assessment Rolls

Assessment rolls give a wealth of information about Toronto citizens and properties.

Council Proceedings

Council proceedings are the official, legal record of Council decisions.


Bylaws are municipal laws passed or amended by Council.

Building Permits

Building permits provide information about property owner, building materials, architect, use, and cost of a structure.

Building plans

Plans and architectural drawings of some of Toronto's most significant buildings.

Government Records

The Archives collects documents created by the City and by its predecessor municipalities.

Non-Government Records

The Archives collects non-government records that create a more complete view of Toronto's history.

Records By Topic

A list of highlights from our collection arranged by topic.