List of Public Documents

  1. Rules of Practice and Procedure
  2. Statutory Powers Procedure Act
  3. Planning Act
  4. Downtown Plan Official Plan, OPA 406
  5. City of Toronto Bylaw 438-86 General Information
  6. City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw 569-2013
  7. City of Toronto Official Plan
  8. Places to Grow – Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2020
  9. Local Appeal Bodies, O.Reg 551/06; 552/06
  10. Ontario Heritage Act, R. S. O. 1990, c.O 18
  11. Provincial Policy Statement, 2020
  12. Rules of Civil Procedure R.R.O 1990, Reg. 104
  13. Sustaining and Expanding the Urban Forest: Toronto’s Strategic Forest Management Plan 2012-2022
  14. Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 813, Trees
  15. Urban Design Guidelines
  16. Greenbelt Plan, 2017
  17. Changing Lanes: Laneway Suites in Toronto
  18. Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022

Governing Legislation

  1. Guiding Principles clarifies the roles of the TLAB, city staff and City Council in supporting the mandate of TLAB and the hearing process for the benefit of stakeholders.
  2. TLAB Procedure Bylaw 1 governs the calling, place and proceedings of business meetings and public consultation meetings.
  3. Code of Conduct Complaint Protocol for Members of Local Boards (Restricted Definition) and Adjudicative Boards provides the procedures for making complaints about members of local boards and quasi-judicial boards within the City and also sets out the jurisdiction and authority of the Integrity Commissioner to investigate such complaints.
  4. Code of Conduct for Members of Adjudicative Board, City of Toronto describes the written standards of conduct for citizen members who are appointed to adjudicative boards by Council.
  5. Municipal Conflict of Interest Act sets out a framework for when participation in decision making is appropriate.
  6. City of Toronto Act Section 115 provides authority for the City to establish TLAB for certain land use planning matters and is the basis of the TLAB’s authority to hear appeals under Section 45 and Section 53 of the Planning Act.
  7. Ontario Regulation 552/06 is a regulation for this appeal body that addresses local land use planning matters.  It governs the requirement for the Toronto Local Appeal Body to establish rules, make the rules available to the public and produce an annual report of its operations.
  8. City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441 sets the applicable TLAB appeal and administrative fee amounts.
  9. City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 142 provides the appeal authority to the Toronto Local Appeal Body.

Chair’s Annual Report

  1. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2023 Annual Report
  2. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2022 Annual Report
  3. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2021 Annual Report
  4. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2020 Annual Report
  5. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2019 Annual Report
  6. Toronto Local Appeal Body Chair’s 2018 Annual Report