On May 5, 2021, the Planning and Housing Committee considered the final Christie’s Planning Study deliverables, including the Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines, the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law, which are now in effect. A Summary of the Plan is available.


The Christie’s Planning Study was initiated in 2019 to establish a comprehensive planning framework for the Christie’s area and set out the long-term vision for a complete community centred on transit investment, job creation and community services and facilities that will meet the needs of existing and future residents and workers. The Official Plan Amendment (OPA 506) including the Secondary Plan, as well as the Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines are the result of the Christie’s Planning Study. The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law are now in effect, as adopted by Council in July 2022.

This study is the culmination of a site-specific appeal to economic health policies contained within OPA 231 which was submitted in 2013. At its July 17, 2019 meeting, City Council adopted a settlement with First Capital Realty to re-designate the majority of the lands from Employment Areas to General Employment Areas and Regeneration Areas within the Official Plan. The settlement secures a number of matters through an amended Site and Area Specific Policy (SASP No. 15), which directs the City to prepare a Secondary Plan for the study area. Years of negotiation and stakeholder involvement have shaped the key principles of SASP No. 15, and these form the basis for the project scope, outlined below. The settlement was approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) on August 22, 2019.

Project Scope

  • Built Form and Land Use
  • Infrastructure, Energy & the Environment
  • Mobility and Transit
  • Community Services and Facilities
  • Parks and Open Space

Project Status

Together with the Secondary Plan process, City Council directed staff to resume work on the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan. The Secondary Plan study launched in October 2019 and work has include consultation with public and local stakeholders; the development of a Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines; as well as coordination with the submission of First Capital Realty’s OPA and Draft Plan of Subdivision for their development proposal.

The Christie’s Planning Study launched in October 2019 and work has included consultation with the public and local stakeholders; the development of a Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines; as well as coordination with the submission of First Capital Realty’s OPA and Draft Plan of Subdivision for their development proposal. The Christie’s Planning Study has also been coordinated with the work on the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan.

Formerly the site of the Mr. Christie factory. The current study area is bounded by The Gardiner Expressway to the north; Lake Shore Boulevard West to the east and southeast; and, Park Lawn Road to the west and southwest.

Formerly the site of the Mr. Christie factory, the Christie’s Planning Study area is approximately 12.1 hectares and is generally bounded by Park Lawn Road, Lake Shore Boulevard West and the Gardiner Expressway. The lands are currently vacant, except for the existing water tower and a stand-alone BMO bank located at the intersection of Lake Shore Boulevard West and Park Lawn Road.

First Capital Realty owns 11.1 hectares of the study area and is finalizing an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application to facilitate their development proposal for their portion of the study area.

The Christie’s Planning Study included a comprehensive public engagement and stakeholder consultation process, including two large-format open houses, a virtual public consultation meeting, three rounds of stakeholder meetings and opportunities for on-line engagement. Throughout the Study, consultation was also aligned with Transportation Services’ Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan.

Virtual Consultation (November 2020)

City staff hosted a virtual consultation meeting on November 5, 2020 for residents to learn about the City’s draft Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines, as well as the current development applications by First Capital Realty for the Christie’s site. The meeting included playing pre-recorded video presentations by City staff and representatives from First Capital Realty (FCR) followed by a Q&A session with questions from the public.

In addition to the public meeting, the Christie’s Planning Study team shared study materials on-line (EngageTO, Social Pinpoint) from October 29 – November 23, 2020. Residents could view the pre-recorded presentation videos as well as information boards about the project and provide comment.

Engagement materials:

Display Boards for Comment (March 24, 2020)

Since our last public meetings in the fall of 2019, City staff have been continuing to advance the work of the Christie’s Planning Study. The Public Open House planned for March 24, 2020 was postponed. The following boards outline the information that was planned to be presented by staff.

Stakeholder Meeting (February 3, 2020)

City Planning and Transportation Services hosted a Stakeholder Meeting together to provide an update on the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan and the Christie’s Planning Study. Local community groups, resident and ratepayer associations, non-profit organizations, and Business Improvement Areas (BIA) in the Park Lawn Lake Shore and South Etobicoke area were invited to attend the meeting. As part of the discussion on the Christie’s Planning Study, attendees were asked to identify their priorities for the area and when the priorities should be delivered. A summary of the responses is available.

Community Consultation Open House (November 12, 2019)

An open house regarding First Capital Realty’s Official Plan Amendment application (19 239170 WET 03 OZ) for 2150 & 2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road was held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 2:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Trident Banquet & Conference Centre.

Information was available on both the application and the Christie’s Planning Study at the open house. The boards and presentation material from the community meeting are available on the City’s Application Information Centre, along with First Capital Realty’s application submission materials.

Public Open House #1 (October 17, 2019)

The first public open house for the Christie’s Planning Study was held Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Trident Banquet & Conference Centre.

Meeting Materials:

Upcoming Events:

More information on future engagement events, as well as summaries of what has been heard, will be posted here when available. Please use the information box below to sign-up for receive periodic E-Updates and notices about upcoming meetings and events.

Broader public consultation on the Christie’s Planning Study has come to a close, but you can still provide your input as the final planning documents advance with a staff report to Planning and Housing Committee (PHC) on April 22, 2021. Following the PHC meeting, the Committee’s recommendations along with the final documents will be forwarded to City Council.

You can attend the public PHC meeting to observe and share your views on the amendments. You may also submit written comments. To address the Committee in person or in writing, please contact:

City Clerk
Attention: Nancy Martins, Administrator
Planning and Housing Committee
100 Queen Street West, 10th Floor West
Toronto ON M5H 2N2

Phone: 416-397-4579
Fax: 416-392-1879
e-mail: phc@toronto.ca

To assist with scheduling, please call the City Clerk’s Office by 12 noon on April 21, 2021, if you plan to make comments at the meeting. The Committee may request you to file an outline of your presentation with the Clerk.


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Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in the Christie’s Planning Study process. You can unsubscribe at any time.

City Planning collects personal information under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, Chapter 11, Schedule A, section 136(c) and the City of Toronto By-Law No 1212-2019. The information will be used for the purpose of providing updates about the progress of the Christie’s Planning Study. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives, City Planning, Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 22nd Floor, Toronto Ontario, M5V 3C6 or by telephone at 416-392-3078.