Use the Ontario Ministry of Health’s Self-Assessment Tool if you are sick or have any symptoms of illness, or tested positive for COVID-19, to see what to do next. The self-assessment is also available in French.

You can also review Toronto Public Health’s screening tool.

Everyone has a role to play to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (such as COVID-19, RSV and the flu). The actions you take will protect you, loved ones and those most vulnerable in our community.

We can layer our protection against respiratory viruses with some simple steps.

These steps work better when used together:

  • Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations for the best protection against getting very sick from respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19, RSV and the flu.
  • Even if you have had COVID-19 in the past, it’s still important to stay up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccines to get the added benefit of hybrid immunity.
  • Consider wearing a high quality, well-fitting mask in crowded indoor public settings with poor ventilation, especially if you or people around you are at higher risk (such as seniors, those with a weak immune system, or young children).
  • Stay home if you are sick or have symptoms of illness, even if they are mild, and wear a mask for 10 days after the start of symptoms.
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get tested and treatment if you are eligible. The symptoms for different respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and the flu, can look the same.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands often.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
  • Choose well ventilated spaces when possible.
  • Reduce or limit the number of people you have close contact with, especially in crowded indoors spaces with poor ventilation.
  • Socialize outdoors when possible – outdoors is lower risk than being indoors.
  • Keep a physical distance from other people when possible, especially indoors.

When to use layers of protection

People can use layers of protection at any time as an added measure to protect themselves and others from the spread of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19, RSV, and the flu. Layers of protection are especially recommended when there is a higher risk of getting and spreading respiratory viruses.

Knowing when you are at higher risk of getting sick from a respiratory virus can help you make informed decisions about your health and when to use layers of protection.

Some people are at higher risk of getting very sick or being hospitalized with a respiratory virus, including:

  • Seniors
  • People with a weak immune system
  • Pregnant people
  • Young children

Some settings and situations can put you at higher risk of getting and spreading respiratory viruses, including:

  • Congregate settings such as long-term care homes or shelters
  • Crowded indoor public settings with poor ventilation
  • During respiratory virus season, which usually happens during the fall and winter months

More Information

Respiratory viruses are spread by:

  • Respiratory droplets that come out of your nose and mouth when you breathe, talk, cough or sneeze;
  • Aerosols, which are tiny respiratory droplets that can stay in the air longer;
  • Close contact with other people in crowded indoor spaces is a common way that viruses spread through respiratory droplets;
  • Touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

Using layers of protection can prevent the spread of respiratory viruses and help keep everyone safe.

Respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and the flu, can spread more easily when people gather indoors together. There are a number of things you can do to improve indoor air quality and help reduce the spread of viruses.

How to Reduce the Spread from Respiratory Droplets and Aerosols:

  • Reduce Time in Crowded Indoor Spaces
    • Respiratory viruses spread more easily in the air, especially if it is a crowded indoor space with poor ventilation or air flow.
    • The risk increases the longer a person stays in the space, as well as when people are doing activities that cause heavy breathing, such as singing, dancing or exercising, especially without wearing a mask or keeping physical distance.
    • People who have symptoms may also be more contagious. Screening people and asking them to stay home if they are sick or have symptoms of illness (even if they are mild), will prevent further spread.
  • Increase time outdoors
    • Keep gatherings or social activities outdoors as much as possible, as outdoors is lower risk than indoors.
  • Improve Ventilation and Filtration
    • Ventilation means increasing the amount of fresh air that flows into a space. Good ventilation replaces indoor air with fresh outdoor air through air exchanges. This is similar to opening windows to air out a stuffy room.
    • Filtration means using a filter to remove viruses and other particles from the air. The filtered air is cleaned, and is then returned back into the room.
    • Good ventilation and filtration help to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses by reducing virus particles in the air.
    • The effect of ventilation and filtration will depend on many things such as: room size, number of people, the type of activities taking place and measures used to improve ventilation.
    • Extra attention may need to be given to ventilation and filtration in settings where aerosol generating activities take place.
  • Use and Maintain Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems
    • HVACs can improve ventilation and reduce the amount of virus particles in the air.
    • When using HVAC systems:
      • The equipment should be maintained often to make sure it works well.
      • Avoid re-circulating air, for example, adjust vents to let in as much outdoor air and as little recirculated indoor air as possible through air exchange.
      • Keep areas near air vents free and clear from items such as furniture.
  • For Spaces Without HVAC Systems or With Poor HVAC Systems
    • Use Portable Air Cleaners
      • Portable air cleaners filter and clean the air.
      • Make sure that the air cleaner keeps running and does not blow directly at anyone.
      • Use proper filters that can filter out small particles from the air, such as HEPA filters, and change the filter often.
    • Promote Natural Fresh Air Flow
      • All indoor spaces can benefit from natural fresh air flow.
      • Open windows, if it is safe to do so.
      • Use portable fans, ceiling fans and single unit air conditioners to improve natural air flow.
      • When using a window air conditioner unit or fan, make sure it does not blow directly toward anyone.
        • Place fans near an open window or door to help bring outdoor air into the space.
        • When using ceiling fans, use the setting that moves the air up toward the ceiling.
  • Use Layers of Protection

Even when good ventilation and filtration are used, it is still important to have other layers of protection, especially if you or people around you are at risk of getting very sick from a respiratory virus. These include keeping a physical distance when possible, avoiding crowds, getting vaccinated and wearing a mask.

    • Wear a Mask
      • Consider wearing a mask in indoor public settings, especially if it is crowded and there is poor ventilation.
      • Wearing a high-quality, well-fitted mask protects others from our respiratory droplets and aerosols. This is called source control and can reduce the spread of germs in the air.
      • Learn more about face masks.
    • Keep physical distance
      • Keep a physical distance when possible, especially indoors.
      • Close contact with other people in crowded indoor spaces is a common way that viruses spread, even if the sick person has no symptoms.
    • Other recommended layers of protection
      • Stay home if you are sick or have symptoms of illness, such as the flu or COVID-19, even if they are mild.
      • Avoid crowded indoor spaces.
      • Socialize outdoors when possible – outdoors is lower risk than indoors.
      • Reduce or limit the number of people you have close contact with, especially indoors.
      • Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations, including a COVID-19 booster, for the best protection against getting very sick.

Try the CDC’s interactive home ventilation tool to see how respiratory particles in the air change with different ventilation settings in your home.

Other Resources:

Respiratory viruses are spread mainly from person-to-person through respiratory droplets that can travel up to two metres. Keeping a physical distance from others, where possible, is an extra measure that can be taken to reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses, especially for those at greater risk of serious illness.

Here are some ways to practice physical distancing:

  • Greet others from a distance with a smile, nod or wave
  • Avoid trips during peak times, to limit contact with large crowds
  • Avoid crowded stores and return when it is less busy
  • Consider curbside pick-up, if available

Connect with others online, by phone or outdoors.

Consider wearing a well-fitting, high-quality mask in crowded indoor public settings with poor ventilation, especially if you or people around you are at higher risk of getting very sick from a respiratory virus.

If you are sick or have symptoms of illness, it is recommended to wear a mask for 10 days after the start of symptoms.

Masking continues to be an important layer of protection to keep you, your loved ones, and the most vulnerable in our community safe. Wearing a mask, in addition to other public health measures, can reduce the spread of these viruses and is an important measure we can use to protect ourselves and one another.

Wear a mask in certain settings or situations

Masks can be considered in certain settings or situations, including:

  • indoor public settings, especially if they are crowded or have poor ventilation
  • in high-risk congregate settings, such as shelters and group homes
  • if you live, work or spend time with someone who is at higher risk of becoming very sick from a respiratory virus, such as seniors, those who have a health condition, or young children
  • to add an extra layer of protection in any setting

Masks may still be expected or required in certain settings or situations, including:

  • in healthcare settings such as long-term care homes, retirement homes, hospitals and clinics
  • in congregate care settings, such as shelters, group homes, 24-hour respite and drop-in sites
  • at businesses and organizations that have put in place their own masking policies
  • as personal protective equipment
  • on some public transportation

Check with individual organizations to learn more about their specific policies.

Masks are recommended for anyone who:

  • has tested positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of a respiratory virus
    • wear a mask for 10 days after the start of symptoms or positive test
    • see the online screening questionnaire for instructions for your specific situation
  • is caring for someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of a respiratory virus
  • is a close contact of or lives with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of a respiratory virus

Masks should not be worn by:

  • children under the age of two
  • people who have trouble breathing or who cannot remove the mask without assistance

Tips on Wearing a Mask

  • Wear a high-quality, well-fitted, comfortable mask:
    • High-quality:
      • A medical mask or respirator (such as an N95 mask) can provide better protection
      • Cloth masks should be made of at least three layers of tightly woven fabric (such as cotton or linen), or two layers with a filter layer for extra protection
    • Well-fitted:
      • A mask should fit your face, covering your nose, mouth and chin without gaping.
      • Ties/ear loops should fit securely to avoid adjusting during use.
    • Comfortable:
      • Your mask should be comfortable, easy to breathe through, and not limit your vision.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands before putting on and after taking off your mask
  • Place the mask over your nose, mouth and chin
  • Change your mask if it becomes wet or dirty
  • Avoid touching your face or mask when wearing it
  • Remove your mask by the ear loops without touching the front of the mask
  • Throw away disposable medical masks or respirators after each use
  • Wash cloth masks after each use
  • Put your used mask in a plastic bag or directly in the garbage or laundry bin

Communicating With People who are Deaf, Deafened or Hard of Hearing

Some people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing may remove their mask, or may ask others to remove their mask, because they rely on facial movements and/or lip-reading to communicate. See the below tips for communicating with people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing:

  • Ask the person how they prefer to communicate
  • Use speech-to-text mobile apps or writing paper
  • If the person reads lips, you can remove your mask
  • If you remove your masks, you can consider keeping a distance, wearing a face shield, or standing behind a plexiglass barrier to help reduce your risk
  • Look at and speak directly to the person, not the ASL interpreter (if they are using one)
  • Respect the dignity of anyone who requires accommodation


Learn more about practising good hand hygiene.

Common cleaners, such as soap and bleach, are effective against respiratory viruses. If using alcohol-based cleaners such as hand sanitizer, make sure it is at least 70 per cent alcohol. Always follow the product instructions.

Clean & Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

High-touch surfaces may include, but are not limited to:

  • Door handles
  • Countertops
  • Tables
  • Light switches
  • Sinks and faucets
  • Electronic devices (such as cell phones, tablets, keyboards, remote controls)

If surfaces are visibly dirty:

  1. Use a cleaner, such as soap and water to remove the dirt first
  2. Apply a disinfectant to kill the germs and viruses
  3. Leave the disinfecting solution to dry

You can choose a product that cleans and disinfects. Read the label to find a product that does both.

Use disinfectant wipes that are appropriate for electronics.

Clean & Disinfect Soft Surfaces

Soft surfaces may include, but are not limited to:

  • Clothing
  • Drapes
  • Bedding (such as sheets and pillowcases)

If soft surfaces are dirty:

  1. Launder according to the label
  2. Use regular laundry detergent and the warmest appropriate temperature setting
  3. Dry items completely in the dryer, if possible

It is safe to wash laundry from a person who is sick with other items.

Establishing a Cleaning Schedule for Public Settings

  1. Identify high-touch surfaces, objects, and equipment that need routine cleaning as well as disinfection
  2. Indoor high-touch surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at least once per day and when visibly dirty
  3. Check for and follow any specific cleaning and disinfection protocols for your setting

Caution: Always check the expiry date, read the label and follow product instructions. Use a product approved in Canada (look for a DIN number). Household bleach may not have a DIN, but is an effective disinfectant. Do not mix chemicals. Wear protective gloves/eyewear and open windows for good ventilation. Never use products on your skin or food, as this can cause serious harm. Store chemicals out of reach from children and pets.

For more information, visit Public Health Ontario: Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings.

Information in French

For information in French about COVID-19, please visit the Government of Ontario’s website and Public Health Ontario portal.

Information in French

For information in French about COVID-19, please visit the Government of Ontario’s website and Public Health Ontario portal.