All visitors entering a long-term care home are required to sign in and out. Maintaining a log is a requirement of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021.
Seniors Services and Long-Term Care collects personal information on this form under the legal authority of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990, Chapter E.9, section 7.0.2(4)4, the Health Protection and Promotion Act, RSO 1990, Chapter H.7, sections 77.7 and 77.7.1, the City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, Chapter 11, Schedule A, section 136(c) and the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 59, Emergency Management, Article 6 Delegation of Authority to Mayor. The information is used to record information related to the health, safety and well-being of the staff and visitors to enhance safety in the long-term care home. Information will only be shared with Toronto Public Health when requested. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Director, Long-Term Care Homes, Seniors Services and Long-Term Care Division, c/o 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5W 3C6 or by telephone at 416-392-3299.